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Schedule -- BA 762 Fall, 2010
The class meets Fridays from 2-5pm in room B&E 209 Please note that this schedule is subject to change -- that's why it's on the web.
Click on the blue text below to see the readings and topics of the week. The symbol indicates days when you should bring a laptop to class.
Introduction. Overview of the course and introduction to the topic of research methods.
Research Design. Survey of types of studies (such as experiments and field studies), along with a discussion of issues of validity and ethics
Qualitative. A brief introduction to qualitative research methods, including participant observation and grounded theory
Survey methods. Principles of good survey design, focusing on questionnaire issues but also covering sampling issues
Theorizing. How to theorize effectively. The most important skill you can have in our business (besides schmoozing, of course)
Theorizing practicum. In-depth discussion of a study by Dan Halgin.
Data Theory. Introduction to the concept of variables and levels of measurement.
Correlation. Introduction to measures of association among variables, as well as similarities/proximities more generally
Data mining. Searching for patterns in data using multivariate techniques such as multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis. Note special time.
Data exploration practicum. With help from Dan Halgin, I will conduct a hands-on workshop on exploratory data analysis methods using UCINET. Bring your own data!
Regression. Review of ordinary least square multiple regression
Models. Using multiple regression to test mediation, moderation and curvilinear models
Factor Analysis. Exploring data and creating multi-item scales
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Theorizing II. More practice doing theorizing, and analyzing some exemplars of theorizing in the literature.