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Research Design & Validity


In this class we discuss different kinds of research designs, such as experiments, field studies, observation and simulations. Please be ready to discuss two of the readings in detail: the Sutton and Rafaeli (1988) and the Reynolds (1991). Two issues that come up in these readings are methodological validity and the role of qualitative research

We also take up a number of abstract issues that arise in doing research, such as issues of validity, reliability, causality, generalizability and ethics.




  • Types of studies
    - Lab, field, simulation
    - longitudinal/cross-sectional
    - qualitative/quantitative

  • Issues
    - Validity of studies, especially inferring causality
    - Ethics

  • Sampling

  • Roles of quantitative and qualitative

  • Levels of analysis

    - Ecological fallacy


  • Borgatti
    - types of studies [html]
    - design elements [html]
    - design notation [html]
    - types of validity [html]
    - notes on simulation [html]

  • Trochim.
    - Language of research [php]
    - Design [php]
    - Ethics in research [php]
    - Validity and reliability [php]
    - Sampling [php]

  • Horan. Threats to validity [html]

  • Borgatti. What is qda? [html]

  • Neill. Qual vs Quant. [html]

  • Siva. Simulation [doc]

  • Burton. Simulation [doc]

  • Morris. Notes on archival data. [pdf]


  • Kendall. Hiawatha designs an experiment [pdf]

  • Research Methods in the Social and Natural Sciences - an interactive tutorial on five basic research strategies in science: experiments, correlation, surveys, naturalistic observation, and case studies [html]




  • Sutton, R.I. and A. Rafaeli. 1988. "Untangling the relationship between displayed emotions and organizational sales: The case of convenience stores." Academy of Management Journal. 31(3):461-487. [pdf] // read & reflect on role of qualitative research

  • Reynolds, P.C. (1991). "Bloody Stumps" in Stealing Fire:  The Atomic Bomb as Symbolic Body. Palo Alto, CA: Iconic  Anthropology Press.  [pdf] // read & reflect on research validity

  • Johnson, J. C. 1998. "Research design and research strategies," in Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. Edited by H. R. Bernard, pp. 131-171. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira. [pdf]

Points of Discussion

  • How does qualitative research fit into the scientific paradigm? How should it be used?

  • According to Trochim (here), a criticism of science is that scientists use the same reasoning and testing procedures that ordinary people do in ordinary life. Discuss.

  • What's the difference between testing a theory and predicting an outcome?

  • What does simulation accomplish?

  • Using intentions to predict actions

  • Decision modeling

Related Modules


  • U of Kentucky IRB

  • Kendall. Hiawatha designs an experiment [pdf]

  • Research Methods in the Social and Natural Sciences - an interactive tutorial on five basic research strategies in science: experiments, correlation, surveys, naturalistic observation, and case studies [html]


Send mail to sborgatti@uky.edu with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2008 by Steve Borgatti. Last modified: 09/03/10.



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