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We will be using UCINET and SPSS software in the class.

UCINET. This is software I wrote. It is mainly for social network analysis, but has a number of multivariate capabilities that will be useful in our class. You can download UCINET anytime from the web, and I will provide a (free) registration code in class.

SPSS. As I understand it, there are two ways for students at UK to get the program:

  • Install a server-based version from the Gatton2 server (only 6 simultaneous users). To take this option, contact Melissa Huffman at r2d2@uky.edu
  • Purchase it from the SSTARS center for $55/yr. Just contact Aric Shadler (schadler@uky.edu).

It is surprising to me that you can't buy it outright. Why $55 per year? Maybe should look around on the web, such as here.

Send mail to sborgatti@uky.edu with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2008 by Steve Borgatti. Last modified: 10/30/09. Visit Analytic Technologies for social network analysis software and cultural domain analysis software.



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