Exploratory Text Coding
I use "exploratory text coding" to refer to coding or tagging text without an a
priori codebook -- developing new codes as you go along.
inductive theorizing
grounded theory
open coding
text tagging
software aids
- Strauss & Corbin. Basics of Qualitative Research. Sage.
- Lewis, R. Barry. 2004. NVivo 2.0 and ATLAS.ti 5.0:
A Comparative Review of Two Popular Qualitative Data-Analysis
Programs. Field Methods, 16(4): 439–469 [pdf]
- Please download and learn to use the
trial version of
ATLAS/ti (or just
order the student version for $160)
- ATLAS/ti quick tour[pdf]
Expressive Tools
Ryan, G., & Bernard, H. R. 2003. Techniques to Identify Themes. Field
Methods, 15: 85–109 [html]
Ryan, G. W.. 2004. Using a Word Processor to Tag and Retrieve Blocks of
Text, Field Methods, 16: 109–130.
McLellan, E., & Macqueen, K. M. 2003. Beyond the Qualitative Interview:
Data Preparation and Transcription. Field Methods, 15: 63–84
Jehn, K. A. 1997.
qualitative analysis of conflict types and dimensions
Prasad, P. 1993.
Symbolic processes
in the implementation of technological change: A symbolic interactionist
study of work computerization
Academy of Management Journal,
36: 1400-1429.
Send mail to
sborgatti@uky.edu with
questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2008
by Steve Borgatti. Last modified: