#1 anything (including kissing, touching, fondling, sex) where two people do something they should do behind closed doors #2 While drinking, fooling around which wouldnt have happened while sober #3 A sexual encounter (not necessarily sex) between 2 people who are not involved in a relationship #4 interaction between two people who are usually drunk & don't really have an intimate relationship otherwise (when they're sober). #5 a one night; uncommitted, kiss and sometimes more #6 kissing or sexual activity without being defined as a couple #7 Hooking up usually entails kissing, touching, feeling between a guy & girl who share some physical and/or emotional attraction to one another. #8 Hooking up is the term attached to making out with someone. It includes kissing, groping, and perhaps sometimes even more serious actions. Usually hooking up with someone will not include having sex w/them - it does however include everything else. #9 making out (i.e., kissing) with someone when both people are semi-drunk --> in a social setting like a party or a club. #10 a non-committed relationship, when 2 people just fool around occassionally, usually drunk #11 Brief encounter, no sex, one night kind of thing includes kissing, etc but not sexual intercourse, usually involves alcohol (one or both being intoxicated) #12 Depending on who said it, I would think that it was informal and it meant either kissing or doing a little more than that (not having sex) #13 usually with someone you do not associate with on an everyday basis. A friend, but not someone you are very close with. Someone that you can hook up with and not have a real emotional attachment to. The relationship is usually quite shallow, but it satisfies both individuals. Sex is not hooking up. Hooking up is kissing, blowjobs and touching boobs. #14 Hooking up occurs between two univolved persons (that is not in an emotional relationship) where those persons participate, for a variable amount of time, in kissing, fondling, touching of the genital area, oral stimulation, and or sex in an attempt to get and give personal gratification #15 usually the first time being w/ a person intimate, but also when a relationship is not being pursued and physical or sexual activity takes place #16 There need not be a relationship, it consists of horizontal kissing and slightly some fondling #17 lying horizontally with the girl on top of you, no relationship necessary and physical contact #18 Usually when both people have been out partying, end up together at end of night, kissing, fondling in a horizontal position. Doesn't normally last more than one night. #19 A fun non binding experience where two members of the opposite sex provide each other physical pleasure. #20 The relationship is completely physical, there is no real mental connection. #21 Any sexual contact between 2 people (more if possible) kissing is involved in this. Everything else is definitely included. Has to be in a private to semi-private setting. Not on a dance floor or in a bar. #22 Sexual contact between two people that may or may not be dating. Could be a one night thing or a relationship. #23 When a guy and girl (or same sex) only have a physical relationship. There is not dating, little conversation and little room for expression of emotion or intellect. #24 It is the act of "getting busy" w/ the opposite sex. Characterstics include getting naked and foolin around. #25 physical encounter between two people that can range from kissing to sex without any commitment #26 Anything from kissing to full out sex: depending on the guy I'm w/. If he's hot why not?!? #27 Hooking up - seeing someone in a bar, being attracted to them, leaving the bar with them, "hooking up" with them in a dorm room, leaving before the morning & maybe saying "hi" to them when you see them on campus #28 only sexual encounters - no meaningful communications #29 a relationship that only consists of sexual counters, e.g. going home together from a bar, but there's no phone calls, etc. in between #30 No strings relationships. With a chance for future hook-ups. Maybe alcohol involved. #31 Greater than or equal to (<) kissing a girl with no strings attached. #32 A bit more than just kissing, most of the time its random #33 -Making out w/ opposite sex & no strings attached. -I love it!!!! (Live & die by it) #34 It is good. Making out with no strings & no stupid phone calls #35 Hooking up is not a relationship first of all, hooking up is kissing w/ tongue all the way up to sex. Once you have sex (intercourse) you are no longer hooking up. #36 Action between two people as a result of several hours of drinking; clothes often fly, roommates find the couch, level of activities range from kissing to mutual masturbation to ridin the old hobby horse with the most interesting part being the morning after, but hey, you take the good with the bad. #37 Any relations between two people that include anything from French kissing to bow-chic-a-bow-bow, usually under party circumstances and not including a girlfriend or boyfriend. #38 two people coming home together after drinking, proceeding to spend the night with one another, and avoiding the topic and possibly each other from that point on #39 hooking up: (v) the act of engaging in physical intimacy (a kiss or more) during or immediately after a large social gathering or on "the bar scene" #40 Hooking up? Hmm - I would say this is an act that takes place between 2 people, sometimes with some alcohol involvement, usually somewhere between kissing to sex. #41 playing a little hide the salami with some chick that you are somewhat attracted to #42 Sexual interaction without intercourse #43 Deep, wet, hot, passionate sex #44 Hooking up is meeting someone while relatively intoxicated and going home with them & doing any sort of activity (sexual) and then have it be awkward in the morning #45 Anything but butt sex & fisting #46 Kissing someone (pref. a girl) on the lips - nothing more. Characteristics include feeling very awkward the next time you see this person. #47 Hooking up entails anything beyond kissing. Even if you are just kissing, once horizontal it is then hooking up. This is not between couples, but rather an occasional sexual experience. #48 Engaging in sexual relationship or interaction of some kind pertaining to the courtship behaviour deemed acceptable by the popular culture with or without the intent of pursuing further relations sexual or otherwise. #49 This would be an experience which occurs in the late evening (generally after some alcoholic beverages). The couple may or may not know each other (from before) and engage in physical actives ranging from kissing to sex. #50 Two uncommitted people engaging in short term sexual fun. The intensity has no bearing on defining it as a hookup ie it can range from kissing to having sex as long as it is uncommitted & short term, although may be patternized. #51 An event spanning several minutes or hours - taking place between 2 people (usually intoxicated) in search of a sexual interlude of varying degrees. In other words - the mixture of alcohol and horniness #52 Engaging in first time or casual sexual "relations" w/ someone else w/ or w/out the intent on developing a relationship #53 Anything from kissing to sex. More often then not it is not sex. #54 Get drunk, get ass, get arrested 'cause she's too young #55 Going home w/ a girl after a night out of partying, and it can be done no more than 3 times or else it is more than hooking up. Physical attraction, alcohol, peer pressure, horniness all play a part. #56 Hooking up usually refers to a one-time or a casual many-time thing w/ the opposite sex. Activity ranging from a kiss to sex. #57 A term used to describe limited sexual experience with someone, usually meaning without sex. #58 Hooking up means that you have consistently kissed, etc. on more than one occassion but have not established exclusion in the relationship. #59 No long term commitments, call once in a while #60 A "hook up" as far as I can tell, is a physical act - ranging from a kiss to intercourse. "Hooking up" (in relationship terms) refers (in my mind) to a shallow relationship, based on such physical acts, which may or may not develop into something deeper #61 Friends that act friendly in public but they are intimate late on weekend nights. #62 Hooking up is kissing, etc. (depends on who it is!). There's no relationship necessary to be in the "hooking up" stage w/ someone #63 Engaging in the horizontal limbo with your pants on and your mouths locked #64 to have a sexual encounter with no other type of emotional attachment #65 Hooking up means primarily getting together - usually kissing. It isn't long-term and it certainly doesn't happen w/ boyfriend/girlfriend #66 Hooking up is becoming intimate physically with someone while avoiding psychological attachment. #67 Smooching or more with either a friend or random stranger with a slight chance that it may lead to further encounters #68 Not a girlfriend or boyfriend. Random person or someone you do not know very well. Oral sex, fondling, nothing less. Not just kissing. #69 Any kiss w/ a tongue or above getting to first base. But I like swinging for the fences. #70 slip the tongue #71 A sexual encounter w/ no future ramifications or commitments (conceptually speaking) #72 Originally came across the term circa 6th/7th grade as defined solely as kissing, thus to this day I consider "hooking up as kissing --> French style, tongue & all that, but nothing further. I feel this is the essence of the term. #73 A girl that you get together w/ occasionally and there is no commitment #74 Hooking up is when you do anything from kiss to sexual intercourse with someone you do not have an intimate relationship with. Generally happens when intoxicated, after a night out. #75 Guy and girl, usually drunk, getting together to fool around. #76 1 night stands are common for guys like me. My roomates & I are playerz & keep track of our girls. We barely know their names & don't really care about them. Roofies are key. #77 Strictly physical. No emotional attachment. Usually short-lived and often causes hard feelings. #78 Licking yeach, donkey punching, dirty sanchezing, Cleveland steaming, booby-sex spitting, swallowing, making a girl drink so much she forgets everything you and your roomates did to her #79 kissing another girl and getting to second base and maybe beyond. Hooking up might include finger bombing the girl, if she consents. Hooking up with a girl means it is totally physical and you really don't care about anything else. #80 An intimate experience between two people that may be a one night occurrance or may lead to dating, but usually exists for only a short time. #81 "Hooking up" means to engage in sexual acts, not including intercourse, with somebody who you do not date or have been dating briefly. #82 kissing with fondling not exclusive to one person #83 A one night thing, usually - but never anything really serious Could be a kiss or more?! #84 Going home late night after a party - usually both parties are drunk - and doing anything from kissing to having sex #85 a sexual encounter involving more than kissing w/ a boy and a girl who have little previous romantic history #86 Hooking up - random sexual encounters #88 hooking up seems to just be a night or continuous succession of nights w/ no real substantial relationship. #87 a "no strings attached" relationship, in which the physical aspect is carried out w/ little or less emotional attachment than a full boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Also, alcohol usually plays a role in starting the hook-up. #89 I guess hooking up constitutes any sexual activity between 2 people - it usually means more than just briefly kissing - maybe a better way to define it would be anything beyond kissing #90 Physical intimacy that results from random encounters in the social scene. Alcohol & lust dominate the mind & body, instead of rationality. Typically, the event is a one night stand, or sometimes is basically a "series" of one- night stands. #91 purely physical in which both parties view the relationship or (not even relationship better said encounters. #92 Hooking up - kissing accompanied by further physical contact #93 A non commital sexual relationship #94 some type of kissing, touching, etc. with another person #95 Anything, including deep kissing, with someone that you are not dating. #96 Anything from kissing a girl to beyond... #97 When two people have some sort of sexual encounter, from just kissing to sex (depends on who the person is, extent of a "hook up" varies) #98 no serious commitment, just anything physical beyond kissing #99 Hooking up would be randomly getting together w/ someone #100 Getting together with someone whom you're attracted to & engaging in anything up to and including sex. #101 Anything from kissing to sex w/ either a random person you don't know very well or a friend w/ no commitment #102 Hooking up is engaging in any form of sexual activity, usually more than kissing. Many times it is a one niter, or sometimes a "constant weekend hook up." #103 Hooking up is two people kissing & other things for an extended period of time. It can be one time or repeatedly #104 late night or weekend phisical interactions @ times being intoxicated.