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Construct Validity


Construct validity refers to the validity of a variable is measured. There are many subtypes that have been defined. The breakdown below is Trochim's version.


Translation Validity

Subjective evaluation of whether a measure matches the construct it is meant to measure

Criterion Validity

How well the measure relates to other measures and characteristics

Face validity

Does it mean the same thing as the concept.

e.g., if you want to know if someone is a liberal, asking "are you a liberal?'

Content validity

Do all of the elements of the measure seem connected in the right direction to the concept.

e.g., in determining if there is there is fire, asking Is there smoke? Destruction? Heat? Ash? Burnt stuff?

Predictive validity

Ability to predict future events.

Divorce scale actually predicts divorces.

Concurrent validity

Discriminate between groups

e.g., engineers should do better in math test than poets

Convergent validity

Correlates positively with other measures of the same construct, or measures of very similar constructs

Discriminant validity

Correlated poorly with measures of different constructs.

E.g., we don’t want emotional intelligence measure to correlate too well with self-monitoring

See also

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