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Inference Validity


Inference validity refers to the validity of a research design as a whole. It refers to whether you can trust the conclusions of a study. Generally the issue concerns causality. Statistical measures show relationships, but it is the theory and the study design that affect what kinds of claims to causality you can reasonably make.

Internal validity

Refers to whether claimed conclusions, especially relating to causality, are consistent with research results (e.g., statistical results) and research design (e.g., presence of appropriate control variables, use of appropriate methodology).

Internal validity can sometimes be checked via simulation, which can tell you whether a given theorized process can in fact yield the outcomes that you claim it does.

External validity

Refers to generalizability of the results. Does it say anything outside of the particular case?

A carpenter, a school teacher, and scientist were traveling by train through Scotland when they saw a black sheep through the window of the train.

"Aha," said the carpenter with a smile, "I see that Scottish sheep are black."

"Hmm," said the school teacher, "You mean that some Scottish sheep are black."

"No," said the scientist glumly, "All we know is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland, and that at least one side of that one sheep is black."

Three strategies for strengthening external validity:

  • Sampling. Select cases from a known population via a probability sample, then claim the results apply to the population as a whole
  • Representativeness. Show the similarities between the cases you studied with a population you wish your results to be applied to
  • Replication. repeat the study in multiple settings. Use meta statistics to evaluate the results across studies. Although journal reviewers might not agree, consistent results across many settings with small samples is more powerful than a large sample of a single settings.

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