Version |
Date |
Description |
6.232 |
08 Aug 09 |
- Added new routine Data|Sort Alphabetically. Allows you to sort
rows/columns/levels of a dataset based on labels of the
- Added new function to spreadsheet editor. Under
"file" in the spreadsheet menu, there is an entry called "insert columns
from file". This lets you read in a new dataset and join it to the
dataset you already looking at. This is handy for continually adding new
variables to a dataset, say, one called "attribs".
- Added new function to matrix algebra package. Called "recode", it is
used to recode values of a matrix. Syntax is as follows:
-><outfile> = recode(<infile> <oldvalue> <newvalue>)
for example, this changes all zeros to missing values in a dataset
called campnet:
->campnet2 = recode(campnet 0 missing)
- Fixed bug in DL Editor which was causing crashes when saving files
- Made some minor improvements to matrix algebra command window
- fixed bug causing Networks|Egonet|Egonet Change routine to crash
6.230 |
04 Aug 09 |
- Added new routine to compute multiple types of centrality. Find it
at Networks|Centrality|Multiple measures (New)
6.229 |
19 Jul 09 |
- Added new interactive CONCOR routine to Networks|Roles &
6.228 |
15 Jul 09 |
- Added Markov Clustering
algorithm to Networks|Subgroups. I was skeptical but it works really
well. Does a great job of telling you how many clusters there
- Implemented both a regular and sparse matrix version. They get
different answers for large datasets -- presumably a rounding issue
6.227 |
12 Jul 09 |
- Replaced Tools|Scaling|Eigenvectors routine with a new one. The old
would only produce first eigenvector. The new produces all, and handles
non-symmetric matrices (which may result in complex eigenvalues and
6.226 |
10 Jul 09 |
- New routine under Networks|Egonets|Brokerage Elasticity. The dyadic
output is meant to show what would be the effect on ego's brokerage
score of adding/removing each possible tie from an ego network. Node
level output shows the net effect on brokerage of each tie that was in
fact added/dropped at T2
6.225 |
9 Jul 09 |
- A few fixes in Networks|Centrality|Alpha Centrality (Bonacich Power)
- Changed "get alpha" routine to double precision to avoid
rounding error
- Added warnings when diagonal values are not constant or not zero
- Changed the way row sums are calculated in the routine so as to
include the diagonal
6.224 |
6 Jul 09 |
- Added Networks|Egonets|Change routine. Given network at two time
periods (stored in a single dataset with two matrices), it counts number
of ties gained, lost, kept etc. and records whether contacts in each of
these categories had ties with the alters in the T1 ego network.
- Fixed GINV to not require square matrices.
- Fixed bug in Networks|Egonets|Honest Broker|Longitudinal so that
both output matrices are now being saved.
6.223 |
4 Jul 09 |
- Added longitudinal honest broker routine
6.221 |
22 Jun 09 |
- Small changes in the registration routine
- Changed name of tools|similarities routine slightly to make it
6.220 |
12 Apr 09 |
- Added experimental power routine to Networks|Centrality|LBK power.
6.219 |
10 Apr 09 |
- Updated excel import to include .xslx files (Office 2007)
- Fixed bug causing problems when importing excel files that contained
empty sheets
- added clarifying language to registration dialogue
6.217 |
29 Mar 09 |
- New registration system installed.
- Program will now ask for User id. If you don't have one, just enter
your name.
6.216 |
23 Feb 09 |
- Added additional data format to the set that Data|Import via
spreadsheet|DL type formats can handle. The new format is a 2-mode,
3-way edgelist
6.215 |
17 Feb 09 |
- Fixed bug in Networks|Egonets|Structural Holes which was causing the
calculation of ego-betweenness to blow up.
6.214 |
6 Feb 09 |
- Changed the way browse buttons deliver filename. Now, if the file's
filepath matches the current folder, the program presents only the
filename. But if the user had browsed away from current folder, then it
retains full pathname.
- Fixed bug in the writing of filenames in the logfile. It had been
repeating part of the filename
6.212 |
1 Feb 09 |
- Fixed bug in Networks|Ego Networks|Structural Holes that was causing
program to run out of memory with networks of around 12K nodes. Now it
runs larger networks quite fast. Also fixed bug preventing
egobetweenness output in the same program
6.211 |
11Jan 09 |
- Fixed bug in Options|Helper Applications, preventing retention of
the setting for the text editor across ucinet sessions.
- Fixed another bug in Helper Applications that was losing the
location of Mage and Pajek
- Fixed bug in Visualization menu that prevented Mage and Pajek from
6.210 |
11Jan 09 |
- Added new routine Networks|Triad Census. This counts the frequency
of all 16 possible triads in a digraph
- Added new routine Data|Extract|Subgraph Via Attribute Vector. This
provides a convenient way to extract a sub-network based on a node
property, such gender = 1, or betweenness > 0.
6.207 |
07 Nov 08 |
- Fixed bug in new routine Networks|Ego Networks|CSS Brokerage. When
the user chose to define ego networks in terms of both the "true" and
the perceived networks, the program was incorrectly assuming that there
were ego-alter ties in both networks
- Added Cohen's Kappa for measuring intercoder reliability to
Tools|Similarities routine
6.206 |
01 Nov 08 |
- New routine Networks|Ego Networks|CSS Brokerage. Given both a CSS
and a "true" network, counts number of structural holes that exist in
both true and perceived networks, just true network, just perceived
network, and so on. Concept developed by Scott Soltis
- Modified Data|CSS routine to add appropriate suffix to output file
6.205 |
20 Oct 08 |
- UCINET unchanged, but the install package contains updated NetDraw
6.205 |
13 Oct 08 |
- Fixed bug in tools|dissimilarities|gps/gis. Now the browse buttons
6.204 |
02 Oct 08 |
- Fixed important bug in networks|cohesion|distance which was getting
the wrong number for average distance when analyzing large matrices
6.203 |
01 Oct 08 |
- Changed Data|Export|DL to allow pagewidth to exceed 32767 (and
changed the default width to 1,000,000 effectively preventing the output
file from having multiple lines per record)
- Changed default tie strength from 0 to 0.0001
6.202 |
09 Sep 08 |
- Fixed bug in main toolbar that disabled the Netdraw button
6.201 |
08 Sep 08 |
- Fixed bug in networks|ego networks|structural holes procedure which
was sometimes causing it to refuse to run.
- Added button to toolbar for importing text via spreadsheet interface
6.200 |
2 Sep 08 |
- Fixed important bug in the Data|Import via spreadsheet|DL type
formats procedure. It had been ignoring the "force symmetry" option. No
6.199 |
22 Aug 08 |
- Change in the Options|Register procedure to allow users without
administrator rights to register the program
6.198 |
5 Aug 08 |
- No change in program itself, just a change in the installation
procedure. Should enable administrators to set up UCINET for users
6.198 |
29 July 08 |
- Fixed bug in Networks|Ego Networks|Structural Holes // Restricted
Model procedure. It was giving a floating point error for egos with only
one alter.
6.197 |
28 July 08 |
- Fixed bug in handling of scratch folders causing "Can't open file
xxxx\output.log" error. Problem was fixable by user by going to
options|scratch folder and changing to any folder user has permission to
write to
6.196 |
27 July 08 |
- Fixed bug in Data|Import Excel|Multiple DL which was giving errors
when inputting edgelist data with only 2 columns.
- Replaced textual output (logfile) browser with user's preferred text
editor (which defaults to the Windows Notepad).
- Changed default scratch folder (where logfiles are written) to the
Windows TEMP directory. This should make things smoother for people who
don't have write access to their Program Files folder
6.195 |
25 July 08 |
- Added new data import procedure Data|Import Excel|Multiple DL type
formats. It allows you to import Excel files that are formatted as
nodelists, edgelists, etc. You can also simply cut and paste or enter
data directly into a spreadsheet.
6.194 |
22 July 08 |
- Added 2-mode centrality measures: Networks|Centrality|2-mode
6.193 |
19 July 08 |
- Numerous small fixes
- Changed DATA|JOIN procedure to allow resizing window and to remove
distracting ".##h" from file names.
- Changed Networks|Cohesion|Reciprocity to add two new columns of
measures, as well as correct the documentation printed in the log file
- ALT-Backspace key now sends you to the last run routine. At least,
most of the time.
- Now Options|Helper Applications includes an entry for specifying
what text editor to use (e.g., when the user presses the "pencil" button
on the toolbar). The default is Windows Notepad
6.191 |
18 June 08 |
- Fixed important bug in Data|Import|DL routine which was failing to
import FULLMATRIX files that had no labels
6.189 |
1 Jun 08 |
- Added eigenvector routine for directed data
- changed name of Bonacich Power routine to Alpha Centrality /
Bonacich Power
- Fixed bug in dialog window for Networks|cohesion|homophily
- added
6.186 |
14 Apr 08 |
- Fixed bug in Networks|Centrality|Closeness in the reversed distances
(Valente & Foreman) routine which was giving incorrect group
centralization scores.
6.184 |
22 Mar 08 |
- No change, but someone reported not being able to download the
6.184 |
07 Mar 08 |
- Fixed bug in Networks|Cohesion|Density|Density by Attributes which
was not allowing choosing different attributes.
- Fixed bug in Networks|Cohesion|Density|Overall Density which did not
have browse buttons implemented.
6.182 |
07 Feb 08 |
- Fixed bug in Transform|Union, which was allowing long filenames to
wrap, causing the program to misunderstand filenames.
- Fixed bug in Networks|Cohesion|Density|by Attributes that was
causing a crash after finishing all calculations
6.181 |
14 Jan 08 |
- Finished changes to Networks|Cohesion|Krackhardt GTD routine so that
all measures are appropriate for disconnected graphs.
6.180 |
13 Jan 08 |
- Changed Networks|Cohesion|Krackhardt GTD routine so that LUB measure
works with multiple components. MOre to be done here
- Added routines under Data for matching datasets via node labels. For
example, if you have a network dataset and a corresponding attribute
dataset, but the rows of the attribute dataset are in a different order
than the rows/columns of the network dataset, you can run either
Data|Match Network and Attributes or Data|Match Multiple Datasets to
sort them both in the same order.
- Data|Match Multiple Datasets can also be used to sort a single
dataset into alphabetical order based on node label
6.178 |
9 Dec 07 |
- Changed text area in double-dekker mrqap procedure to stop wrapping
- Added ability to enter "+" in default folder field at bottom of main
window to indicate your "my documents" folder. For example, if you have
a folder called Data under My Documents, you could type this:
instead of having to type something like this:
C:\Documents and
Settings\Username\My Documents\data
This works in Vista as well.
6.177 |
27 Nov 07 |
- Changed help viewer to html-based viewer that works with Vista.
- Fixed bug in Transform|Matrix Ops|Within Datasets|Cell
Transformations that was saving the output ##d file in a different
folder from the associated ##h file
6.174 |
04 Nov 07 |
- Changed algorithm used to calculate eigenvalue in the GETBETA
function of Networks|Centrality|Power procedure. The old algorithm
failed when a matrix had multiple eigenvalues with the same absolute
value. The new algorithm always works.
- Fixed bug in Networks|Regions|K-core routine which was giving wrong
values for coreness (it was delivering 1+ the correct value in most
6.173 |
03 Nov 07 |
- Added feature to Networks|Egonet|Structural Holes to enable defining
ego network according to incoming, outgoing or both kinds of ties. Also
fixed bug causing Efficiency scores to not be missing values when degree
was zero.
6.171 |
12 Oct 07 |
- Improved dialog box for selecting default folder
- Fixed bug in the way UCINET opened NetDraw
6.170 (sic) |
12 Sept 07 |
- Added procedure
Networks|Ego Networks|Concentration. Given a network and a 1/0 attribute
vector, the procedure calculates, for each ego, the number of pairs of
alters that (a) are tied and (b) involve a given type of alter (based on
the attribute vector). For example, if men are coded 1 and women 0, it
measures the extent to which an ego's alters are connected to the men in
the ego network
- Fixed bug in Data|Extract
dialogue window which was inserting file information in the wrong edit
6.170 |
01 Sept 07 |
- Added options to
Transform|Bipartite so that row and column entity labels can be given
distinctive prefixes
6.169 |
28 Aug 07 |
- Added new procedure
Networks|Ego Networks|Honest Broker that computes the Kilduff and Mehra
honest broker index. Essentially, an honest broker is a node who is
trusted by two third parties that don't trust each other. The measure is
a count of the number of pairs of alters for whom ego serves as an
honest broker
6.166 |
17 July 07 |
- Fixed bug in the way
UCINET interfaces with MAGE. Previously, there were problems when there
were long filenames containing spaces
6.164 |
10 Jun 07 |
- Temporary fix made in
Tools|Consensus analysis to allow calculation of probabilities of right
answer in answer key when there are a large number of respondents
6.163 |
27 May 07 |
- Added new betweenness
procedure called Proximal Betweenness. A person has high proximal
betweenness if they are often the final intermediary along a short path
-- in other words, a person that others receive information directly
6.162 |
22 May 07 |
- Fixed bug in
Transform|Matrix|Between files|Statistical summaries. When adding
filenames via the browse button, long filenames were wrapping, making
them impossible to read. This no longer occurs
function in Tools|Matrix Algebra as been renamed AAVG
6.157 |
15 Apr 07 |
- Changed Networks|Egonets|Egonet
Strength to allow defining ego network in terms of outgoing ties only,
incoming ties only, both outgoing and incoming, and reciprocated ties
- Fixed bug in UNPACK
procedure which was putting the wrong matrix label in the output
6.156 |
09 Apr 07 |
- Fixed bug in new
procedure Networks|Egonets|Egonet Strength which was incorrectly
including reflexive ties in the calculations, and (for non-valued) data,
was incorrectly averaging by dividing by the total number of nodes
rather than degree
- Fixed bug in matrix
algebra DIAGONAL function
6.154 |
02 Apr 07 |
- Added new procedure
Networks|Egonets|Egonet Strength. It calculates the average attribute
value of each ego's alters. For example, you can calculate the average
centrality of each person's neighbors.
6.153 |
05 Mar 07 |
- Added simple Frequencies
procedure to Tools menu
- Fixed bugs in Core/Periphery|Continuous
program so that (a) it now allows users to change name of output
partition file, and (b) includes node labels in the partition file
6.151 |
28 Feb 07 |
- Fixed bug in "count
combinations" procedure which was causing output file to overwrite input
6.147 |
04-Feb-07 |
- Changed Data|Egonet
procedure so that it would regard missing values as non-ties
- Changed
networks|egonets|structural holes procedure:
- Now outputs node degree
and ego-betweenness
- Default option is now
ego model rather than whole network model, which affects the
constraint procedure
- added option for
determining what value is given for constraint measure when degree is
6.146 |
28-Jan-07 |
procedure to Transform menu. A complement to the UNION procedure, it
takes multiple networks as input, finds the nodes that are present in
all of them, and outputs networks with just those nodes
procedure to Transform menu. This procedure takes a collection of
separate datasets with nodes in common (such as a network sampled at
multiple points in time in which nodes appear and disappear), builds a
single multidimensional matrix with all nodes that have ever appeared.
- Added some capabilities
to the spreadsheet editor to facilitate selecting, inserting and deleted
rows and columns
- In the spreadsheet
editor, removed the ability to highlight a column by simply clicking on
its first row
6.145 |
13-Jan-07 |
- Added "DIST" command to
matrix algebra procedure. Allows you to compute geodesic distances on
unvalued graphs & digraphs. If the dataset you give it has multiple
relations, it will compute distance matrix for each relation. Example:
-->distmat = dist(sampson)
This would run geodesic distances on each relation in the Sampson
dataset, and place the results in a dataset called "distmat".
- Fixed bug in
Double-Dekker regression which caused crashes on some computers
6.143 |
21-Dec-06 |
- New installation program for UCINET. With this version of UCINET,
the directory locations for UCINET and other Analytic Technologies
programs have changed. The new locations are a bit more rational.
However, there is a down side, which is that if you want this new
version to replace your old one, you must uninstall the old one first.
If you don’t uninstall the old one, you will end up with two versions of
UCINET, and any shortcuts you may have created will call up the old
version rather than the new.
So, we
recommend uninstalling the old version before installing this one.
- Fixed bug in
Data|Subgraphs from Partitions. The automatically generated default
output filename prefix was wrong -- it included a file extension and
shouldn't have.
6.142 |
11-Dec-06 |
- Fixed recently introduced bug in Random Graphs|Erdos Renyi that was
placing all ties in upper left quadrant of network.
- Modified installation program. More modifications to come. This may
result in the program not being able to find NetDraw. If this happens,
go to Options|Helper Applications and select Netdraw entry. Use browse
button to find the netdraw program. It is probably located here:
c:\program files\analytic
technologies\netdraw. ONce you find the folder, just click on
netdraw.exe and from then on UCINET should be able to find it again.
6.141 |
02-Dec-06 |
- Fixed bug in Qap Regression interface that was preventing choosing
multiple independent variables, one after another.
- Added additional output to Transform|Union to save vector indicating
which original network a node was drawn from
6.139 |
02-Nov-06 |
- Changed options in hierarchical clustering to include two kinds of
average link clustering -- one that is weighted by cluster size and one
that is not.
- Fixed bug in the weighted average clustering. It had been weighting
by the new size of the cluster (after merging) when it should have
weighted by the old size.
- Fixed bug in spreadsheet that caused occasional "read past end of
file" messages
- Fixed bug in Data|Attribute that created a default output dataset
name that was not sensible.
- Fixed bug in Transform|Recode that caused intermittent failures to
create output file
6.138 |
02-Oct-06 |
- Changed spreadsheet so that clicking on top left cell would not
highlight entire column
6.137 |
11-Sept-06 |
- Changed Transform|Block and Networks|Cohesion|Density to accept
"Identity" as a response to a prompt asking for row or column partition.
This makes it convenient to calculate things like the number of ties
that each node has to women and (separately) to men.
6.136 |
9 Sept 06 |
- Fixed bug in Data|egonet procedure, which was failing to save the
ego net on disk (instead, it was saving the whole network).
6.135 |
16 July 06 |
- Fixed bug in help system that was preventing program from finding
its help file
- Added frequency counts to the output of the
Networks|Cohesion|Distance procedure
6.133 |
14 July 06 |
- Fixed bug in handling of filenames with spaces in them. Was causing
two sets of full quotes to put around filenames.
6.132 |
13 July 06 |
- Fixed bug in Data|Join procedure creating output datasets with
thousands of matrices.
6.131 |
11 July 06 |
- Fixed bug in Networks|Regions|Components|Valued which caused
incorrect dendrogram when a solution resulted in the identity partition
(where each node is in a class by itself). However, the saved HIPART
matrix was always correct.
6.130 |
4 July 06 |
- Fixed calculation of the average permutation table in Relational
Contingency table procedure
- Fixed full quoting of pathnames in several procedures including
- Added option in Simmelian ties routine to allow outgoing ties only
or require reciprocal ties
- Added output options to the QAP correlation routine
6.127 |
27 June 06 |
- Minor changes to export routine
6.126 |
06 June 06 |
- A few changes to dialogs in order to encapsulate filenames in full
6.125 |
27 May 06 |
- Added new facility for cross-tabbing matrices (e.g., social
relations) against each other. Includes qap-based chi-square and
correlation coefficients. Find it under Tools|Testing
Hypotheses|Dyadic|QAP Relational Crosstabs
6.123 |
19 May 06 |
- Added new QAP Correlation routine to the main menu. Missing values
are handled differently with respect to significance (p-values) and
standard errors. In the old qap routine, the significance was based on
Hubert's Gamma, which gives identical significances as correlation in
the case of no missing values, but gives different values when missing
values are present. Another advantage of the new routine is that it
accepts more than two input matrices (and computes correlations among
all possible pairs).
6.121 |
17 May 06 |
- Added QAP routine to Matrix Algebra facility. Syntax is as follows:
--> qap "dataset1" "dataset2" "dataset3" ...
Notice that if you include more than two datasets in the list, it will
run qap correlation between all pairs of matrices. Also, if the dataset
names contain spaces, you should enclose them in full quotes. Otherwise,
the full quotes are not necessary
6.118 |
23 April 06 |
- Cosmetic changes to Dichotomize and Symmetrize procedures
- Changed Networks|Cohesion|GTD procedure to automatically disregard
self-loops (diagonal of adjacency matrix)
6.117 |
1 April 06 |
- Fixed Permute function. When permuting order of matrices in a
dataset, it was ignoring permutations of the rows and columns.
6.116 |
27 March 06 |
- Fixed bug in edge betweenness program which caused it to round all
figures to nearest integer on saving. Printed values were unaffected as
was the hierarchical decomposition
6.115 |
26 March 06 |
- Changed export to Pajek to include error message when attempting to
export 2-mode data
- Changed name of default output file for bipartite procedure
6.114 |
23 March 06 |
- Added routine to matrix algebra to intersect graphs. Syntax is: <outdataset>
= INTERSECT(<indataset1> <indataset2> ....). For example: Y =
INTERSECT(TIME1 TIME2 TIME3). The input is a set of networks. The output
is a single dataset with multiple relations. The nodes are just those
nodes that are found in all of the input datasets.
6.113 |
23 March 06 |
- Changed installation package. Thanks to Rich DeJordy, I think we
have finally ironed out issues with upgrading to a new version so that
you do NOT need to uninstall the old version (what a pain!).
6.113 |
19 March 06 |
- Changed method of scaling factor analysis scores to match SPSS. Also
corrected a minor bug in their calculation.
- Enabled factor analysis routine to handle missing values
6.112 |
19 March 06 |
- Changed default output names for most procedures in the Data and
Transform menus
6.111 |
18 March 06 |
- Fixed problem in cohesion|reciprocity routine that caused crashes
when using a partition.
6.110 |
9 March 06 |
- Changed structural holes routine so that it would output dyadic
statistics for large datasets as well as small ones
- Fixed bug in data|attribute causing it to prepend "from" to the
default output file name, which screwed it up sometimes
6.109 |
13 January 06 |
6.108 |
12 January 06 |
- Fixed bug in export to Pajek that caused crashes when not all fields
where filled in.
6.107 |
27 December 2005 |
- Added consensus analysis to Tools menu
- Fixed interface to double-dekker qap regression so it would have
less trouble with pathnames containing spaces
6.103 |
23 October 2005 |
- Fixed bug in the reading of dataset titles that caused some crashes
- Altered Dichotomize to output a little more information
6.102 |
19 October 2005 |
- Fixed bug in factor analysis program which was putting case labels
where variable labels should have been when inputting 2-mode data
- Added feature to VNA import so that user could identify missing
6.101 |
12 October 2005 |
- Installation package now allows upgrades as well as new
6.98 |
05 September 2005 |
- Fixed Non-metric MDS routine when using Metric starting
configuration. Thanks to Rich DeJordy for pointing this out.
6.97 |
24 August 2005 |
- QAP regression updated to reflect the latest method by Dekker,
Krackhardt and Snijders. It is called "double-Dekker semi-partialling".
6.96 |
16 August 2005 |
- Changed Data|Attribute dialogue box so that it no longer prefixes
"from-" in the output file name
6.90 |
1 July 2005 |
- Fixed bug in E-I index procedure. In printing output from
permutations, the values for internal and external ties were swapped.
This was only a printing problem and did not affect the
calculation of significance. Thanks to "analysisrussell" for pointing
this out.
- This installation package includes NetDraw 2.9
6.89 |
29 June 2005 |
- Some routines modified so that browsing for files automatically puts
full quotes around the file name in dialogue windows. Without the full
quotes, routines that expect input in the form of
filename-space-dimension-space-integer get confused if the filename
contains spaces. So if you put quotes around the filename, the program
knows it is all one object. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you type the filename in
yourself, the program will not automatically supply quotes.
6.88 |
23 June 2005 |
- New installer implemented. Before downloading this version, you
should uninstall the old version by using the Windows uninstaller (go to start|control panel|add/remove programs). Datafiles will not be removed
by the uninstall.
- The new version handles multiple users of the same machine better,
through making better choices of where to put things in the Windows
registry. However, installation does require having administrator
6.87 |
30 May 2005 |
- Ok, this time I actually did change the default value of
DisplayFullPathNames to True.
- Added support for three new DL formats for 3-dimensional datasets:
- EDGELIST3. This is like edgelist2 except there are three columns
that identify nodes: the row ids, the col ids, and to relation ids, as
labels embedded
matrix labels embedded
george event1 year2005 22.5
george event1 year2006 0.0
billy event3 year2006 1.0
- EDGEARRAY2. This is like edgearray1 except for 2-mode data, as in:
matrix labels:
year2005, year2006
george event1 22.5 0.0
billy event3 na 1.0
- LAURA. This format was built for Laura Savoia. It's like this:
year05 year06
george team1 team1
billy none team3
- In Jan 2005 degree centralization calculation was modified to yield
values between 0 and 1 for valued data. Now (thanks to prodding by
Giancarlo Oriani), I've extended the same change to the normalized
degree centrality values. So all of these are just their old values
divided by the largest edge value in the network.
- Fixed bug in structural holes dialog window in which it would only
calculate full network constraint if the user specifically chose full
network option. Otherwise it was calculating ego network constraint even
if the dialogue window showed "full network". However, all outputs were
always correctly labeled.
6.86 |
21 May 2005 |
- Changed default value of DISPLAYFULLPATHNAMES option to true. This
allows ucinet to easily navigate to different folders without getting
- Added normalization option to affiliations procedure to allow
dividing number of co-memberships by smaller of the two events. Also
added ability to run multiple matrices at one time
6.85 |
5 Apr 2005 |
- Fixed bug in Data|Remove Pendants which caused a crash when removing
pendants removed all nodes in the network. Also hooked up the browse
- Reorganized Networks menu. Still changing.
- Modified Relational Contingency Table analysis procedure to allow
non-symmetric data
6.81 |
26 Feb 2005 |
- Fixed bug in Degree Centrality (asymmetric model) which was
scrambling the labels when writing out to file.
- Fixed bug in hierarchical clustering (introduced yesterday) which
caused crashes.
6.80 |
25 Feb 2005 |
- Minor bug fixes in displays of tools|cluster|moca and
tools|cluster|hierarchical clustering
6.78 |
8 Feb 2005 |
- PERMUTE. Changed permute so that if you set the row permutation to
RANDOM and set the column permutation to SAME AS ROWS, you permute both
the rows and columns in the same random order (previously the rows and
columns were randomized independently)
- UNION. Added option to allow adding up ties that are in common
across two networks that share some nodes. So if network A has a tie
between Billy and Johnny, and network B also shows a tie between Billy
and Johnny, the new network will have a 2 for the relationship between
Billy and Johnny.
6.77 |
4 Feb 2005 |
- Changed structural holes procedure to (a) handle larger datasets,
and (b) include an alternative method of calculating structural holes
6.76 |
31 Jan 2005 |
- Changed how the degree centrality program calculates centralization
on valued data. Now, the centralization value is divided by the maximum
value in the input dataset, this ensures that it runs between 0 and 100%
6.75 |
26 Jan 2005 |
- Fixed bug in spreadsheet -- previously, if you clicked on main
window while in the spreadsheet, it reset the spreadsheet (clearing all
- Added row and column indicator to spreadsheet. It can also be used
to go to a particular cell.
- Fixed bug in data|export|excel that caused problems exporting
datasets with multiple relations to excel on some systems.
- Changed dichotomize function to output real-valued matrices (to
accommodate missing values).
6.74 |
15 Jan 2005 |
- Fixed bug in ucinet system file reader -- it affected newer
procedures that were trying to read interger-type files created by
equally new procedures (such as Erdos-Renyi graphs).
6.73 |
13 Jan 2005 |
6.72 |
05 Jan 2005 |
- Cleaned up output of Transitivity program
- Changed clustering coefficient program to operate
on multiple relations in a file
- Changed Import|Raw procedure to more accurately
guess the dimensions of the input data
- Fixed bug in Random|Erdos-Renyi procedure. When
user selected multiple graphs, the program was constructing them
cumulatively so that the density increased with each graph. Now they are
separate and the density is identical for all graphs created.
- Fixed
bug in Krackhardt GTD routine. Previously, it was failing to output
measures to a disk file.
6.71 |
26 Dec 2004 |
- Added measures of clustering adequacy to Tools|Cluster|Cluster
Adequacy. Used to judge whether a partition does a good job.
- Fixed bug in Hierarchical Clustering program which caused E-I index
to be calculated on a modified version of the proximity matrix (instead
of the proximity matrix itself)
6.70 |
20 Dec 2004 |
- Fixed bug in Reach Centrality procedure which caused incorrect
values for the normalization of in-reach
- Added ability to select number of decimals when exporting vectors to
6.69 |
12 Dec 2004 |
- Fixed bug in Data|Import|Multiple Dl files that caused problems with
filenames containing spaces and other punctuation
6.68b |
12 Dec 2004 |
- More finished version of 6.68
6.68 |
11 Dec 2004 |
- Added two experimental routines that await serious testing: (a)
Krackhardt's Graph Theoretic Dimensions (GTD) measures (Networks|Network
Properties|Krack GTD), and (b) Reciprocity between groups procedure (Networks|Network
6.67 |
4 Dec 2004 |
- Added Erdos-Renyi random graph routine (Data|Random|Erdos-Renyi). It
can create either directed or undirected graphs
6.66 |
1 Dec 2004 |
- Replaced text editor with windows notepad
6.65 |
28 Nov 2004 |
- Changed scatterplot facility so that user can drag points around in
the map. The scatterplot procedure is used by the MDS programs and the
Correspondence analysis program
- Modified Import|VNA procedure to be more forgiving of errors in the
6.64 |
07 Nov 2004 |
- Major bug in RECODE function which caused random wacky numbers has
been fixed
- Small but important bug in Tools|Similarities leading to slight
inaccuracy in calculation of similarities between matrices has been
- Data|Export|Excel and Data|Import|Excel can now handle multiple
6.63 |
06 Nov 2004 |
- Added Export to Excel in main menu. Note that multiple
relations/sheets are not yet supported
- Fixed bug in 'Subgraph from Partitions' which caused problems with
0/1 partitions.
- Added info to About box so you can tell whether a copy is registered
or not.
- Browse button on Fragmentation now working
6.62 |
31 Oct 2004 |
- Added ability to import VNA files (Data|Import|VNA). Only imports
network and node attribute data -- node and tie properties are ignored.
6.61 |
29 Oct 2004 |
- Added Fragmentation Potential metrics (drawn from KeyPlayer program)
to Centrality menu
6.60 |
23 Oct 2004 |
- Added "remove pendants" routine
- Added "spherical distance" routine under Tools|Dissimilarities in
order to compute distances from latitude and longitude data, such as
obtained from GIS/GPS systems
- Fixed bug in REGE which was converting all data with decimal places
into integers
- Fixed bug in hierarchical clustering which was preventing it from
saving cluster id variable. Also renamed the cluster id dataset from "tabuclus"
to "clusterid"
- Changed starting cutoff value in dialogue box for "subgraphs from
partitions" routine to 1 (was 3).
- Fixed bug in Extract routine which prevented usage of datasets
stored (by ucinet) in a new internal format
6.59 |
27 Jul 2004 |
- Modified UNION procedure to allow option of putting missing values
(instead of zeros) for the links between graphs. Also modified the way
it handles node labels when "match by labels" is not selected.
6.56 |
5 Jul 2004 |
- Fixed bug in the Data|Import|Multiple DL files procedure that didn't
allow selection of several files at one time in the file browse facility
6.55 |
30 Jun 2004 |
- Completed addition of default output folder -- now all routines
except one's that don't make sense for it should send outputs to the
designated output folder.
6.54 |
22 Jun 2004 |
- Added default output folder -- if non-blank, most routines will now
direct output to that folder.
- Fixed bug in Recode dialog box causing an error message
6.51 |
25 May 2004 |
- Fixed bug in reading Pajek net files that came in with version 6.37
- Fixed bug in exporting dl files in nodelist2 format (was writing
"nodelist1" instead of "nodelist2")
6.50 |
3 May 2004 |
- Fixed bug in EdgeArray1 data reader (thanks to Kate Lawrence for
pointing it out). The problem was that for data with labels embedded and
alpha=yes (the default) the program sorting rows and columns of the data
matrix in alphabetical order, but not actually changing the labels, so
the wrong labels were attached to each node.
6.49 |
2 May 2004 |
- Changed hierarchical clustering to allow printing sideways textual
6.48 |
29 Apr 2004 |
- Fixed bug in hierarchical cluster analysis -- since version 6.43 it
was saving the partition file (PART) incorrectly, resulting in bad
graphical dendrograms
6.47 |
22 Apr 2004 |
- Fixed major bug introduced in version 6.44 (April 9th, 2004). The
import procedure was incorrectly reading dl files using fullmatrix
format in which row labels were not embedded.
6.46 |
17 Apr 2004 |
- Added facility for creating new networks (or matrices in general)
based on boolean combinations of old ones. E.g., create matrix Y so that
Yij = 2 if Xij > 0 and Zij = 34, and Yij = 1 otherwise. It is under
Transform|Matrix operations|between datasets|boolean combinations.
6.45 |
16 Apr 2004 |
- Enabled column/row delete functions in matrix spreadsheet
6.44 |
9 Apr 2004 |
- Fixed bug in IMPORT DL procedures causing first letter of row/column
labels to be cut off when reading files using Fullmatrix format.
6.43 |
8 Apr 2004 |
- Hierarchical clustering now runs on each matrix in a 3-way dataset.
Also includes some additional diagnostic output.
6.42 |
7 Apr 2004 |
- Metric MDS changed to accept datasets with multiple matrices -- it
automaticaly does a scaling on each matrix in the dataset.
- Correspondence analysis similarly changed.
6.41 |
5 Apr 2004 |
- Fixed Remove Isolates to work with non-symmetric data and multiple
- Changed Tools|Dissimilarities procedure to enable multiple relations
and to permit computation of distances between relations. Also added
Hamming distance measure.
6.40 |
4 Apr 2004 |
- Union procedure added to the Transform menu. Use UNION to combine
separate graphs into one larger graph -- taking the union of all nodes
and lines.
6.39 |
21 Mar 2004 |
- Fixed bug in Permute procedure
- Added Remove Isolates procedure to Data menu. Provides one-step way
to generate network with isolates removed.
- Added Extract Main Component procedure to Data menu. Enables user to
create a subgraph representing the main (weak) component of a network
6.38 |
13 Mar 2004 |
- Added new output to Brokerage routine that shows, for each actor,
who they are brokering between.
6.37 |
12 Mar 2004 |
- Added ability to import Pajek 2-mode net files
- Added ability select multiple files in the
Transformation|Arithmetic|between datasets procedure, as well as the
Data|Import|multiple dl files procedure
6.35 |
5 Mar 2004 |
- Added additional QAP regression methods, including Dekker,
Krackhardt and Snijders k-step semi-partialling method which is very
slow but very accurate. For my money, though the fast ordinary semi-partialling
is best choice because it is way faster and its only fault is being too
conservative (doesn't reach significance often enough). But I'm sure
Dekker, Krackhardt and Snijders would consider this a very irresponsible
thing to say.
- Overhauled dl import routines to handle embedded labels better
(especially ones containing spaces)
- Added multiple dl import routine to handle reading many files at
- Added arithmetic transformation routines to Transform menu; now,
things that in the past had to be done via matrix algebra, can be done
via menu interface
- Overhauled matrix algebra routine
- Non-metric mds routine has been changed to run on all layers of a
multi-matrix dataset. Also, the bug that prevented running on matrices
greater than 255 rows or columns has been fixed.
- Replaced the spreadsheet with a new one that is not limited to 255
columns. It can also do some limited transformations of the data.
- Changed the output.log browser so that seeing large output takes
less time. For example, running Data|Display on large datasets used to
take forever. It is a bit faster now.
- Added a spreadsheet-like matrix browser that is faster than the new
spreadsheet for viewing large datasets in matrix form
- Changed input format for Recode procedure to facilitate more
complicated recoding procedures.
- Adopted new installation procedure that is a little faster, a little
simpler. Keyplayer is no longer included with UCINET installation.
6.29 |
22 Jul 2003 |
- Changed output of geodesic distance procedure to suppress screen
output for large datasets. Now processes a 5000 node dataset in 2
6.26 |
30 May 2003 |
- Fixed bug in UCINET versions 6.04 discovered by Melissa A. Schilling
in which degree centrality saves a centrality dataset that has the
wrong labels. The numbers are right, and are in the original order,
but the labels for the nodes are in the wrong order.
- Fixed bug in line (edge) betweenness program, which was causing
problems reading the output file
6.24 |
27 Apr 2003 |
- Added BETA TEST version of new partialling approach to QAP
regression. Seems to work fast and well.
- Updated the version of KeyPlayer that is automatically installed
with UCINET. Apparently, old version was missing a file.
6.23 |
3 Apr 2003 |
- Changed default on line betweenness routine to not do Newman-Girvan
hierarchical clustering automatically. See also changes
in NetDraw.
6.21 |
30 Mar 2003 |
- Modified edge betweenness procedure (Networks|Centrality|Betweenness|Lines)
to automatically output
hierarchical clustering of nodes obtained by successively deleting
most central link and then recalculating
6.19 |
17 Mar 2003 |
- F-Group procedure from UCINET 4 reinstated. No documentation as yet.
6.18 |
4 Mar 2003 |
- Changed maximum flow & lambda set procedures to accommodate
networks with more than 255 nodes. Now there is no limit.
6.17 |
28 Feb 2003 |
- Changed Factor Analysis routine to permit input of 1-mode
association matrix (e.g., correlation matrix, co-occurrence matrix)
6.16 |
25 Jan 2003 |
- Added Options|Helper Applications, which lets you tell ucinet where
netdraw, pajek and mage are
- default name for netdraw program is now netdraw1.exe
6.15 |
16 Dec 2002 |
- nodelist and edgelist readers changed to allow names enclosed in
quotes as in "John Smith" or "Smith, John Jr."
6.13 |
11 Dec 2002 |
- Improved help file added.
- More recent version of Netdraw added that allows text attributes
(e.g., gender can have values of "male" and
"female" and "not clear").
6.12 |
7 Oct 2002 |
- More speed improvement on reading nodelist and edgelist files.
- Group centrality|Degree|Test routine fixed (was giving crazy answers
and hanging up).
6.11 |
6 Oct 2002 |
- Fast routines for reading nodelist and edgelist data
files reinstated.
- Button added to Data|Egonet routine that allows selection of the
focal nodes by choosing node names from list.
6.10 |
5 Oct 2002 |
- Reach centrality procedure changed to (a) eliminate eccentricity (it
will be added back to the closeness procedure later), and add new
distance-weighted reach measure
6.08 |
29 Sept 2002 |
- Hamming distance reinstated in QAP correlation routine
- Clustering coefficient output clarified
6.07 |
23 Sept 2002 |
- New help files added
- The Tools|Dissimilarities procedure was fixed. It had been ignoring one
cell in all computations, resulting a dissimilarity score that was only
approximate. Thanks to Jim Moody for pointing this out.
- Continuous Core/Periphery routine altered so that its recommendation on
where to cutoff the core is now based on the correlation criterion
- Expected values from the continuous core/periphery routine have been fixed
-- Previously, the rows and columns had been sorted according to coreness,
but the row and column labels were not changed, resulting in
incomprehensible numbers. Now, the matrix is presented unsorted.
6.04 |
3 Sept 2002 |
- Centrality routines now sort output automatically in order of
decreasing centrality
6.02 |
1 Sept 2002 |
- Netdraw graph drawing routine added.
- All routines that used to output a partition-by-actor vector or matrix now
output an actor-by-partition matrix. This way, what are normally considered
variables are always columns.
- Help files updated to include new procedures. NOTE: Netdraw still has no
documentation. It's coming.
5.80 |
1 March 2002 |
- Edge Betweenness program fixed to eliminate the "can't open scratch
file" error.
5.79 |
10 Feb 2002 |
- Now able to launch both Mage and Pajek programs from within UCINET.
- Now able to import Pajek Net files
- Experimental degree group centrality procedures added. One procedure
allows you to find which individuals should be included in a proposed group
such that they have ties to as many different individuals as possible.
Another procedure accepts a priori grouping (such as a set of managers) and
measures their degree group centrality along and provides a statistical test
- Improved method of separating core from periphery when using the
continuous core/periphery model, along with improved concentration measure.
- Changed current directory display to a drop down menu so you can easily go
back to previous folder
5.78 |
10 January 2002 |
- Fixed bug in Attribute procedure which lost the labels of
- Improved optimization algorithms for structural equivalence and regular
- Bi-component routine now outputs a vector indicating for each node whether
it is a cutpoint or not
- Components routine now outputs a vector indicating whether a node is in
the main component or not
5.76 |
12 October 2002 |
- Fixed bug in E-I index procedure which caused crash on some computers
- Improved display of the "loglinear" autocorrelation procedure
(which basically does crosstabs of ties)
5.74 |
15 September 2001 |
- Includes new routine for exporting to the METIS program, which can cluster
graphs with millions of nodes extremely quickly.
- Also includes a much faster betweenness centrality routine
(relative to the one in versions 5.64 and earlier), using Ulrik Brandes'
5.73 |
25 August 2001 |
- Includes slightly improved routine for point-connectivity (# of
node-independent paths between pairs of points). It is still very slow,
- Fixes bug in DESCRIBE that prevented imported labels from being saved.
5.71 |
11 August 2001 |
- Adds betweenness decomposition routine which iteratively removes nodes
with zero betweenness, yielding a core group of nodes that are mutually
5.70 |
9 August 2001 |
- Edge betweenness routine, ala Anthonisse has been added. Even newer version of betweenness implemented, using Ulrik
Brandes' (
algorithm. It works with both symmetric and non-symmetric data.
- New closeness routine added that calculates average length of all paths
between two nodes, not just shortest paths. To be used with small graphs
(< 100 nodes)
- Bug fixed in MRQAP causing near infinite standardized coefficient when
there were more than 32767 ordered pairs of nodes.
- Import>RAW routine improved to guess the number of rows and columns
better when the entire dataset is in one row.
5.66 |
18 July 2001 |
- Even newer version of betweenness implemented, using Ulrik Brandes' (
algorithm. It works with both symmetric and non-symmetric data.
- Closeness and geodesic distance routines have also been upgraded to run
faster with sparse data (switched from dijkstra to bfs)
- Mage export routine can now export 2-mode, rectangular datasets (as long
as the number of points in the coordinates dataset equals the number of rows
plus the number of columns in the 2-mode matrix
- Scatter plot routines (include MDS and Correspondence analysis) now
include menu option for increasing or decreasing size of label font
- Mage export routine now allows you to skip the adjacency matrix and just
input coordinates.
5.66 |
6 July 2001 |
- New version of betweenness implemented that typically runs around 3 times
faster for typical graphs of about 1000 nodes. Algorithm courtesy of Mark
Newman ( However,
it only runs on symmetric data (undirected graphs).
5.64 |
8 May 2001 |
- Bonacich Power routine modified to allow non-symmetric data.
- Right eigenvector routine added to matrix algebra procedure. To use, type
REIGEN <filename>. Note this routine uses the power method and will
only converge on a subset of matrices.
- Instability in the mrqap regression routine was eliminated. Again.
5.60 |
7 April 2001 |
- Ability to export files to Pajek and Mage was added
5.55 |
18 Jan 2001 |
- Bug fixed in SORT: it wouldn't recognize lower case letters in the
dimension prompt of the dialog box.
- Instability in the qap regression routine was eliminated.
5.51 |
6 Dec 2000 |
Two major bugs fixed in this version.
- There was an error in the egonet>density routine in some versions of
5.4 (I think earlier versions are fine), producing random
numbers instead of the calculated values.
- There was a bug in the REGE routine so that all data containing decimal
places were truncated. Numbers less than one but greater than zero were
converted to 1s, and numbers greater than 1 were rounded to nearest
integer. This bug goes back many years.
- In addition, a new routine was added in the statistics menu, enabling users
with krackhardt-style css data to test for significant differences in different
aggregations of the data (for example, comparing the aggregate female matrix
with the aggregate male matrix). No documentation is available yet.
- Several minor fixes, including the default output name of the dichotomize
5.4 |
18 June, 2000 |
- This version fixes a major design error in the density or anova-based
categorical autocorrelation routine. In previous incarnations, the routine
calculated r-square correctly, but the significance test was biased, yielding
significance too often. The routine has been completely replaced and now
calculates significance correctly. In addition, it gives additional informative
5.3 |
1 April 2000 |
- Adds Gould and Fernandez brokerage measures.