

Social Network Analysis Software || Cultural Domain Analysis Software

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Social Network Analysis Software || Cultural Domain Analysis Software

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Version Info
User's Guide
Analytic Tech


Free trial copy

  • To try UCINET for free for 60 days, go to "Download Instructions" below. You do not need a registration code for the trial period.


  • If you have already bought UCINET 5 or 6 for Windows, you are entitled to a free upgrade of UCINET 6 at any time.

  • If your copy is older than 21 Dec 2006 (version 6.143), you should uninstall your old version before installing the new version.

  • Neither upgrading nor uninstall/reinstall will delete any of your own datafiles.

Download Instructions

  1. Click on "Download" below.

  2. When asked whether to Run/Open or Save, choose Run/Open. (Some internet browsers might not ask. If so, just save the file to a folder you can remember, then open it.)

  3. The installation procedure will then begin. Just follow the prompts (you can just accept all the default choices). 

  4. When the installation procedure terminates, you can run the UCINET program by going to Start|Programs|Analytic Technologies and choosing UCINET 6 for Windows. Note that Netdraw, Pajek and Mage will also have been installed for you (under "helper applications"), along with a user's guide.

  5. Good luck!

Latest version: Download!
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PO Box 910359, Lexington, KY 40513 USA. Tel: +1 859 881 9906. Fax: +1 859 904-2039 . E-mail:;



PO Box 910359, Lexington, KY 40513 USA. Tel: +1 859 881 9906. Fax: +1 859 904-2039 . E-mail:;