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Guest Speaker: Dan Halgin


Centrality refers to a family of structural concepts relating to a node's position in the network.



  • Social capital

  • Group centrality

  • k-coreness

  • clique membership

  • 2-mode centrality


  • Freeman, L. C. (1979.) Centrality in social networks conceptual clarification. Social Networks, 1 pp. 215-239. [pdf]

  • Bonacich, P. 1987. "Power and Centrality: A Family of Measures." American Journal of Sociology 92:1170-1182. [^pdf]

  • Forrest R. Pitts, 1978/79. The Medieval River Trade Network of Russia Revisited. Social Networks 1:285-292 [pdf] [summary]

  • Borgatti, S.P. and Everett, M.G. 2006. A graph-theoretic perspective on centrality. [pdf].

  • Borgatti, S.P. 2005. Centrality and network flow. Social Networks. 27(1): 55-71. [pdf]







Study Questions

  • Are there any properties of networks/position that would not be considered social capital?




  • Bonacich P (1972). Factoring and Weighting Approaches to status scores and clique identification. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 2, 113-120.

  • Everett, M. G., & Borgatti, S. P. 1999. The centrality of groups and classes. Journal of Mathematical Sociology. 23(3): 181-201.[pdf]

  • Hubbell C H (1965). 'An input-output approach to clique identification'. Sociometry, 28, 377-399.

  • Friedkin, N. E. 1991. "Theoretical Foundations for Centrality Measures." American Journal of Sociology 96:1478-504.

  • Katz L (1953). 'A new status index derived from sociometric data analysis'. psychometrika, 18, 34-43.

Analyses of Centrality Measures

  • Bell, D. C., J. S. Atkinson, and J. W. Carlson. 1999. "Centrality Measures for Disease Transmission Networks." Social Networks 21:1-21.

  • Bolland, J. M. 1988. "Sorting Out Centrality: An Analysis of the Performance of Four Centrality Models In Real and Simulated Networks." Social Networks 10:233-53.

  • Borgatti, S.P., Carley, K., and Krackhardt, D. 2006. Robustness of Centrality Measures under Conditions of Imperfect Data. Social Networks 28: 124–136. [pdf] Freeman, L. C. 1977. "A Set of Measures of Centrality Based on Betweenness." Sociometry 40:35-41.

  • Borgatti, S.P. Centrality and AIDS. [html]

  • Nakao, Keiko. 1990. "Distribution of Measures of Centrality: Enumerated Distributions of Freeman's Graph Centrality Measures." 13(3):10-22. [pdf]


  • Friedkin, N. E. 1993. "Structural Basis of Interpersonal Influence in Groups: A Longitudinal Case Study." American Sociological Review 58:861-72.

  • Aldersen and Beckfield 2004. “Power and Position in the World City System” American Journal of Sociology 109:811-851

  • Baker, W. E. and R. R. Faulkner. 1993. "The Social Organization of Conspiracy: Illegal Networks in the Heavy Electrical Equipment Industry." American Sociological Review 58:837-60

  • Brass, Daniel J. 1984 "Being in the right place: A structural analysis of individual influence in an organization." Administrative Science Quarterly, 29: 518 539

  • Brass, D.J. Power in organizations: A social network Perspective. In G. Moore & J.A. Whitt (Eds.),Research in Politics and Society, 295-323, 1992. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

  • Brass, D.J. & M.E. Burkhardt. Centrality and power in Organizations. In N. Nohria & R. Eccles (Eds.), Networks and Organizations: Theory and Practice,191-215, 1993. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

  • Brass, D.J. and M.E. Burkhardt. Potential power and power use: An investigation of structure and behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 1993, 36, 441-470.

  • Leavitt, H.1951  Some effects of certain communication patterns on group performance. [pdf]
  • Val Burris, “The Academic Caste System: Prestige Hierarchies in PhD Exchange
    Networks.” American Sociological Review 69 (2004): 239-264.
  • Naomi Rosenthal, Naomi, Roberta Karant, Michele Ethier, and Meryl Fingrutd,
    "Centrality Analysis for Historians." Historical Methods 20 (1987): 53-62.

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Last modified: 02/22/10


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