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Exchange Networks
Experimental exchange
networks is an area of study in which subjects are brought into a lab
and asked to play a game in which they must try to get as many points as
possible. In each round, they are given 24 points to divide up with an
exchange partner. The experimenter arranges the people into networks of
who can exchange with whom. Initially, it was thought that centrality
would determine point-getting, but this is not true.
Exchange theory
exclusion principle
- Notes on Emerson's dependency theory. [html]
- Inferring dominance [doc]
Cook, K. S., R. M. Emerson, M. R.
Gillmore, and T. Yamagishi. 1983. "The
Distribution of Power in Exchange Networks: Theory and Experimental
Evidence." American Journal of Sociology :275-305.
- Markovsky, B., Willer, D. and Patton, T. 1988.
Power relations in exchange networks. American Sociological Review
53: 220-236.[^pdf]
- Borgatti, S. P., & Everett, M. G. 1992. Graph colorings and power in
experimental exchange networks. Social Networks, 14: 287-308. [pdf]
Dependency and Exclusion
- Emerson, R.M. 1962. "Power-Dependence
Relations." ASR 27:31-40
- Cook, Karen S. 1982 "Network structures from an
exchange perspective." In Peter V. Marsden and Nan Lin (eds., Social
Structure and Network Analysis. Beverly Hills: Sage: 177 199.
- Cook, K. S., R. M. Emerson, M. R.
Gillmore, and T. Yamagishi. 1983. "The
Distribution of Power in Exchange Networks: Theory and Experimental
Evidence." American Journal of Sociology :275-305.
- Markovsky, Barry, David Willer, and Travis Patton
1988 "Power relations in exchange networks." American Sociological Review,
53: 220 236.
- Yamagishi, Toshio, Mary R. Gilmore, and Karen S.
Cook 1989 "Network connections and the distributiop of power in
exchange networks." American Journal of Sociology, 93: 833 851.
- Cook, Karen S. & Yamagishi, Toshio 1992. "Power in
exchange networks: A power dependence formulation. Social Networks, 14, 245
- Willer, David 1992. "Predicting power in exchange
networks: A brief history and introduction to the issues." Social Networks,
14, 187 211.
- Skvoretz J. & D. Willer 1993
"Exclusion and Power: A Test of Four Theories of Power Exchange Networks."
ASR 58:801-818
- Bearman, P. 1997. "Generalized
Exchange." American Journal of Sociology 102(5):1383-415 [^pdf]
- Marsden, Peter V. 1983 "Restricted access in
networks and models of power." American Journal of Sociology, 88: 686 717