Spring 2004 |
Fulton 145 | Tuesdays 7-9:30 pm |
Course schedule syllabus readings morale |
8 May. I'm headed for the airport. Don't know whether I'll have convenient access to internet while in Slovenia or not. If you have questions about your grade, please do email me, but be aware that I may not answer right away. Overall course grades were posted to BC's system yesterday. I had intended to also post a breakdown of your grade on this site using your secret code However, I've heard that BC now frowns on that (the public posting, that is, not the part about giving you a breakdown). I will investigate further. Meanwhile, I will bring my grade sheet with me so I will be able to answer questions if you email me. 8 May. Interested in social network analysis? Take my MBA course MB814 Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior: Social Networks in the Fall of 2004. Tuesday nights 7 to 9:30 pm. |
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