Contents - Index

PURPOSE Convert a 2-mode dataset into a 1-mode adjacency matrix

DESCRIPTION Any 2-mode incidence matrix can be thought of as a bipartite graph. If the 2-modes are actors and events then the bipartite graph consists of the union of the actors and events as vertices with the edges only connecting actors with events (ie no connections between actors or between events). This routine takes a 2-mode incidence matrix and converts it to a 1-mode adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph. If the incidence matrix had n rows and m columns then the resultant adjacency matrix would be a square matrix of dimension m+n.

Input 2-mode dataset:
Name of file containing incidence matrix.

Value to fill within-mode ties: (Default=0.0)
The incidence matrix specifies the values of ties from actors to events the values of the (non-existent) ties of actors to actors and events to events is not given. The user can override the default value of zero by specifying their own within mode value.
Make result symmetric? (Default = 'No')
If yes is selected matrix is symmetrized by taking the maximum of Xij and Xji.
Output dataset:(Default='bi')
Name of file containing adjacency matrix of bipartite graph.

LOG FILE Adjacency matrix of bipartite graph.

TIMING Linear.