Contents - Index


PURPOSE Given a set of actors with two relations, one positive and one negative, and a partition of the actors the routine counts user specified triads.

DESCRIPTION In a directed network with positive and negative relations and an attribute defined partition then there are 216 possible triads which take account of the type of relation and whether the edges are between actors in the same or a different partition. This routine counts each of the different types of triad and allows the user to specify which type to include. For each tripple i,j,k we look at the triad iRj,jRk and iRk and count the cases in which R is positive, negative or null as well as whether each pair (i,j),(j,k) and (i,k) are in the same or different partition. Results are given for the whole network and at the actor level.

Positive network 
Name of file containing positive relation. Data type: digraph.

Negative network 
Name of file containing negative relation. Data type: digraph

Attribute dataset
Name of a UCINET dataset that defines the partition (an attribute dataset) in its columns. All entries in the selected column with the same value will be put in the same partition.

Which column?
Column label for the selected attribute chosen from the attribute dataset.
(Output) Network level statistics (Defualt = NetworkLevelCounts)
Name of file that will contain counts of each type of triad specified

(Output) Node level statistics (Defualt = NodeLevelCounts)
Name of file that will contain a matrix in which the rows are the triad types and the columns are the nodes. The i,j entry gives the number of triads of type i contain node j.

Which relations to include in counts
For each of the three edges in the triad i to j, j to k and i to k the user should select which relations to count by ticking the apporpiate box or boxes. The choices are:
Ps a positive tie between two actors in the same partition
Pd a positive tie between two actors in different partitions
Ns a negative tie between two actors in the same partition
Nd a negative tie between two actors in different partitions
s no tie between actors in the same partition
d no tie between actors in different partitions

LOG FILE Table of counts and proportion of each selected triad type. The triads are labelled using the convention Xx|Yy|Zz where the Xx gives the type of relation from i to j, the Yy from j to k and the Zz from i to k. Each of the types are as specified as in the relation counts, namely Ps,Pd,Ns,Nd,s or d.

Matrix of node level counts where the i,j entry gives the number of triads of type i that involves node j.