Contents - Index


PURPOSE Counts the change in the number of ties in each egonetwork of a whole network at two time periods.

DESCRIPTION Given the same set of actors at two time periods this routine counts the number of changes in the ego networks of each actor. Changes are  recorded for ego alter ties and between all new nodes and the original alters. 

PARAMETERS (Input) Network Dataset
The UCINET network dataset containing the network at two time periods, that is two levels one level for each time period.  Datatype: directed graph. 

(Output) Measures
Name of file for output measures. The default is <inputfilename>-EC. In addition four additional files are created with the extension ECNew, ECLost, ECKept, ECNever which contain ststistics described in the log file.

LOG FILE The first relation will be called T1 and the second T2. 
The first table gives the changes in the sizes of each actors egonetwork as follows
T1Size: The number of alters in each egonetwork at time T1
T2Size: The number of alters in each egonetwork at time T2
NewTies: Number of new alters added at T2 who were not alters at T1
LostTies:  Number of lost alters that were present at T1 and not at T2
KeptTies: Number of alters present at both time periods
AbsentTies: umber of alters absent at both time periods
The second table examines the alters who were present at time T2 but not present at time T1 as follows

NumNew:  Number of ties of New type that is new alters added at T2 who were not alters at T1
NumFoF:  Number of ties between New nodes and T1 alters.
DenFoF:  NumFoF divided by max possible (NumFoF expressed as a density).
FoF/T1: NumFoF divided by number of T1 alters
FoF/New: NumFoF divided by number NumNew

The third table examines the alters who were present at time T1 but not present at time T2 as follows

NumLost: Number of ties of Lost type that is alters that were present at T1 and not at T2
NumFoF: Number of ties between Lost nodes and T1 alters.
DenFoF: NumFoF divided by max possible (NumFoF expressed as a density).
FoF/T1: NumFoF divided by number of T1 alters
FoF/Lost: NumFoF divided by number NumLost

The fourth table examines alters that were present at both time periods as follows

NumKept: Number of ties of Kept type that is alters that were present at both time periods.
NumFoF: Number of ties between Kept nodes and T1 alters.
DenFoF: NumFoF divided by max possible (NumFoF expressed as a density).
FoF/T1: NumFoF divided by number of T1 alters
FoF/Kept: NumFoF divided by number NumKeptF/Kept = NumFoF divided by number NumKept

The final table examines alters that were not present at either time period as follows

NumNever: Number of ties of Never type that is vertices that were not present at either time period.
NumFoF: Number of ties between Never nodes and T1 alters.
DenFoF: NumFoF divided by max possible (NumFoF expressed as a density).
FoF/T1: NumFoF divided by number of T1 alters
FoF/Never: NumFoF divided by number NumNever