Contents - Index


PURPOSE Perform simple arithmetical operations across rows, columns or matrices. 

DESCRIPTION Find the sum, average, standard deviation, minimum or maximum of sets of numbers which are taken from the complete rows, columns, or matrices or combinations thereof in one dataset. 

PARAMETERS Input dataset
Name of file containing dataset on which the operation is to be performed. Data type: Multirelational
Arithmetic Operation
Name of arithmetic procedure that is to be performed. Options are sum, average, standard deviation, minimum or maximum 
Break-out results by
Specifies how the numbers are to be selected from the dataset. Note these can only be chosen after a dataset has been entered in the 'input dataset' field.

If the data has more than one level that is more than one matrix then the following options are presented
nothing - aggregate across rows, cols and matrices to yield one value for entire dataset
rows - aggregate across cols and matrices yielding one value for each row in dataset
cols - aggregate across rows and matrices, yielding one value for each column in dataset
levels - aggregate across rows and columns, yielding one value for each matrix in dataset
rows & cols - aggregate across matrices, yielding one row-by-column matrix summarizing all matrices
rows & levels - aggregate across columns, yielding summary of rows for each matrix
cols & levels - aggregate across rows, yielding summary of columns for each matrix in dataset

If the data is a single matrix then the following options are presented
nothing - aggregate across rows and columns to yield single value for whole matrix
rows - aggregate across columns to yield a number for each row in data matrix
cols - aggregate across rows to yield a number for each column in data matrix

LOG FILE Matrix with the results of the arithmetic operation


COMMENTS More complicated operations can be done using matrix algebra