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and Cultural Analysis
This module reflects a
growing interest in the intersection of networks with beliefs, semantics
and narratives. My take on it comes directly from Ron Breiger.
Key Topics
- Culture
- Meaning
- Concept lattices
- Narratives
Bibliography (by Ron
A. Reviews and Overviews
Breiger, R.L (2004).
“The Analysis of Social Networks.” Handbook of Data Analysis, ed.
M.Hardy & A. Bryman. London: Sage, pp. 505-526. Esp. “Culture and
Cognition,” pp.518-21.
Erickson, Bonnie H.
(2001). “Networks and Linkages: Cultural Aspects.” International
Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, ed. N.J. Smelser &
P.B. Baltes. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 10505-10509.
Kilduff, Martin, &
Wenpin Tsai (2003). Social Networks and Organizations. London: Sage.
Esp. ch. 6, “Toward a poststructuralist network approach to
Mohr, John W (1998).,
“Measuring Meaning Structures.” Annual Review of Sociology 24:
B. Narrative Analysis with
Networks; Textual Analysis using Networks
De Nooy, Wouter,
“Stories and Social Structure. A Structural Perspective on
Literature in Sociology.” In D. Schram and G. Stten (eds.),
Psychology and Sociology of Literature. Amsterdam: Benjamins (2001):
DeNooy, Wouter,
“Stories, Scripts, Networks.” Paper presented at the Sunbelt XXV
International Social Network Conference, Redondo Beach, CA (USA),
February 2005.
Bearman, Peter S., and
Katherine Stovel, “Becoming a Nazi: A Model for Narrative
Networks.” Poetics 27 (2000): 69-90.
Carley, Kathleen,
“Extracting Culture Through Textual Analysis.” Poetics 22 (1994:
291- 312.
C. Social Networks as
Mische, Ann,
“Cross-Talk in Movements: Reconceiving the Culture-Network Link,” in
Mario Diani and Doug McAdam, eds., Social Movements Analysis: The
Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2003): 258-280.
Mische, Ann, and
Harrison White, “Between Conversation and Situation: Public
Dynamics Across Network Domains.” Social Research 65 (1998):
D. Network Studies of the
De Nooy, Wouter, “A
Literary Playground: Literary Criticism and Balance Theory.” Poetics
26 (1999): 385-404.
De Nooy, Wouter, “The
Dynamics of Artistic Prestige.” Poetics 30 (2002): 147-167.
Giuffre, Katherine, “Sandpiles of Opportunity: Success in the Art
World.” Social Forces 77
(1999): 815-32.
McPherson, Miller,
“Sampling Strategies for the Arts: A Hypernetwork Approach.” Poetics
28 (2001): 291-306.
Sonnett, John, “Musical
Boundaries: Intersections of Form and Content.”Poetics 32 (2004):
van Rees, Kees, Jeroen
Vermunt, Marc Verboord, “Cultural Classifications Under Discussion:
Latent Class Analysis of Highbrow and Lowbrow Reading.” Poetics 26
(1999): 349-365.
White, Harrison C.
Careers and Creativity: Social Forces in the Arts. Boulder, CO:
Westview (1993).
E. Culture as Networks of Local Practices
Breiger, R.L., “A Tool
Kit for Practice Theory.” Poetics 27 (2000): 91-115.
Breiger, R.L., y John
W. Mohr (traducción: Isidro Maya Jariego), “La dualidad y la
agregación de categorías sociales.” REDES – Revista Hispana para el
Análysis de Redes
Sociales, 5 (2004).
Breiger, R.L., and John
W. Mohr, “Institutional Logics from the Aggregation of
Organizational Networks: Operational Procedures for the Analysis of
Data.” Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 10 (2004):
Harcourt, Bernard,
“Measured Interpretation: Introducing the Method of Correspondence
Analysis to Legal Studies.” University of Illinois Law Review 2002
(4): 979-1017.
Martin, John Levi,
“What Do Animals Do All Day?: The Division of Labor, Class Bodies,
and Totemic Thinking in the Popular Imagination.” Poetics 27 (2000):
Mische, Ann, and
Philippa E. Pattison, “Composing a Civic Arena: Publics, Projects,
Social Settings.” Poetics 27 (2000): 163-194.
Mohr, John W.,
“Soldiers, Mothers, Tramps, and Others: Discourse Roles in the 1907
York City Charity Directory.” Poetics 22 (1994): 327-357.
Mohr, John. W., and
Vincent Duquenne, “The Duality of Culture and Practice: Poverty
Relief in New York City, 1888-1917.” Theory and Society 26 (1997):
Mohr, John W., and
Helene K. Lee, “From Affirmative Action to Outreach: Discourse
at the University of California.” Poetics 28 (2000): 47-71.
F. Efforts to Infuse Network Analysis with a Cultural / Action
Emirbayer, Mustafa,
“Manifesto for a Relational Sociology.” American Journal of
103 (1997): 281-317.
Emirbayer, Mustafa, and
Jeff Goodwin, “Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of
Agency.” American Journal of Sociology 99 (1994): 1411-1454.
Somers, Margaret R.,
“‘We’re No Angels’: Realism, Rational Choice, and Relationality in
the Social Sciences.” American Journal of Sociology 104 (1998):
G. Networks, Organizational Cultures, and Markets
Favereau, Olivier, and
Emmanuel Lazega, eds. (2002) Conventions and Structures in
Economic Organization: Markets, Networks and Organizations.
Cheltenham, UK:
Edward Elgar.
Kilduff, Martin, and
Wenpin Tsai (2003). Social Networks and Organizations. London: Sage.
Lazega, Emmanuel (1992). The Micropolitics of Knowledge:
Communication and Indirect
Control in Workgroups. New York: de Gruyter.
Lazega, Emmanuel
(2001). The Collegial Phenomenon : The Social Mechanisms Of Co-
Operation Among Peers In A Corporate Law Partnership. New York:
Oxford University
Wittek, Rafael (2003).
“Violation of Trust Norms and Strategies of Informal Social Control
in Organizations.” In B. Nooteboom and Fredrique Six (eds.), The
Trust Process in
Organizations: Empirical Studies of the Determinants and the Process
of Trust
Development. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
H. Networks, Culture, and
Anheier, Helmut K.,
Jürgen Gerhards, & Frank P. Romo (1995). “Forms of Capital And
Social Structure: Examining Bourdieu’s Social Topography.” Amer. J.
Sociol. 100: 859-
Bian, Yanjie, Ronald
Breiger, Deborah Davis, and Joseph Galaskiewicz, “Occupation, Class,
and Networks in Urban China.” Social Forces 85 (2005): in press.
Erickson, Bonnie H.
(1996). “Culture, Class, and Connections.” Amer. J. Sociol. 102:
I. Formal Modeling as
Breiger, R.L., “Writing
(and Quantifying) Sociology.” In Writing and Revising the
Disciplines, ed. Jonathan Monroe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Press, 2002.
White, Harrison C.,
“Can Mathematics Be Social? Flexible Representations for Interaction
Process and Its Sociocultural Constructions.” Sociological Forum 12
(1997): 53-71.
Yonay, Yuval P., The
Struggle Over the Soul of Economics: Institutionalist and
Neoclassical Economists in America Between the Wars. Princeton
University Press,
Miscellaneous (if not
already above)
Bian, Ronald Breiger, Deborah Davis, Joseph Galaskiewicz,
“Occupation, Class, and Social Networks in Urban China.” Social
Forces 83 (2005): 1443-68.
S.P. 2005. Centrality and network flow. Social Networks.
27(1): 55-71. [pdf]
Breiger, Ronald L. 2000. "A Tool Kit for Practice Theory."
Poetics 27: 91-115
DiMaggio, P. 1987.
Classification in Art. ASR 52:440-455.
Jacobson, D. 19xx. The cultural context of social support and
support networks.
Martin, John Levi. 2000. "The Relation of Aggregate Statistics
on Beliefs to Culture and Cognition." Poetics 28: 5-20.
McFarland, D. Resistance as social drama: A study of
change-oriented encounters.
Ann Mische, Partisan Publics: Communication and Contention
across Brazilian Youth Activist Networks. Princeton University
Press, Dec. 2007.
Mische, Ann and Philippa Pattison. 2000. "Composing a Civic
Arena: Publics, Projects, and Social Settings." Poetics 27: 163-194.
Mohr, John and Vincent Duquenne. 1997. "The Duality of Culture
and Practice: Poverty Relief in New York City, 1888-1917." Theory
and Society 26: 305-356
Smith, T. 2007. Narrative boundaries and the dynamics of ethnic
conflict and conciliation. Poetics 35: 22-46.
Swidler, Ann. 1986. "Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies."
American Sociological Review 51: 273-286
Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays (Basic Books, 1973)
White, H. 1992. Identity and Control.
Clyde Mitchell, “Situational Analysis and Network Analysis,”
Connections 17 (1994):16-22.
- Gary Alan Fine and Sherryl Kleinman, “Network and Meaning: An
Interactionist Approach to Structure,” Symbolic Interaction 6
(1983): 97-110.
- Ann Mische, “Cross-Talk in Movements: Reconceiving the
Culture-Network Link”(conference paper, June 2000; not the published
version that appears as pp. 258-80 in Mario Diani and Doug McAdam,
eds., Social Movements and Networks: Relational Approaches to Social
Action,Oxford University Press, 2003).