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Diffusion &
This is a classical area of
investigation in the field of social networks.
- various kinds of contagion
- adoption of innovation
- knowledge utilization and create
- social influence models
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- Morris, Martina. 1993. Epidemiology and Social Networks: Modeling Structured
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Network Subgroups. Sociological Methods & Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, 189-212
- Burt, R. S. 1987. "Social Contagion and Innovation: Cohesion Versus
Structural Equivalence." American Journal of Sociology 92:1287-335
- Friedkin, N. E. 1984. "Structural Cohesion and Equivalence Explanations
of Social Homogeneity." Sociological Methods and Research 12:235-61
- Mizruchi, M. 1993. "Cohesion, Equivalence and Similarity of Behavior: a
Theoretical and Empirical Assessment." Social Networks 15:275-307
- Burkhardt, Marlene E. 1994 "Social interaction effects following a
technological change: A longitudinal investigation." Academy of Management
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Adoption of Tetracycline series
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- Herbert Menzel; Elihu Katz 1963. Comment on Charles Winick, "The
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equivalence." American Journal of Sociology, 92: 1287 1335.
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pp. 501-522 [^pdf].
- Rogers, E.M. (1995). Diffusion of innovations (4th ed.). New York: Free
- Hansen, Morton T. 1999. The search-transfer problem: The role of weak
ties in sharing knowledge across organizational subunits. Administrative
Science Quarterly, 44: 82-111
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Diffusion of Controversial Innovations," Journal of Mathematical Sociology.
22:177-199. [pdf]
- Morris, Martina. Epidemiology and Social Networks: Modeling Structured
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- Rogers, Everett M. 2003 Diffusion of innovations. Free Press New York
- Valente, Thomas W. 2005 “Network Models and Methods for Studying the
Diffusion of Innovations” in Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis,
2005, Cambridge University Press.
- David Strang, Sarah A. Soule. 1998.
Diffusion in Organizations and Social Movements: From Hybrid Corn to Poison
Pills. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 24,, pp. 265-290
- Valente, T. (1999). Social network thresholds in the diffusion of
innovations. Social Networks, 18, 69-89.