Singular Value Decomposition

notes by Steve Borgatti



1. Review of Correlation of Two Vectors


Suppose A and Y are two column vectors. Suppose they are standardized. What’s the correlation between them?  Sum(AiYi)/n


In matrix or vector notation, this is 1/nA’Y. You remember that A’Y is basically correlation, right? So what is it if mean centered but not standardized?  Sum(AiYi)/(n||A||*||Y||)


In textbooks, you often see A’Y defined as ||A||*||Y||Cos(theta). Theta is the angle between A and Y in geometric space. This tells you that cos(theta) is a measure of correlation, since    ).


[figure 2.6 in textbook]


A’Y has another interpretation as well. It is the projection of A along the axis defined by Y.



2. Multiplying a series of row vectors (collected into a matrix ) by a vector of weights


Let the matrix be X. Let the vector of weights by V. Suppose it has just two columns and n rows. Each row is a row vector. XV is a new vector Z.


So this gives the projection of each row in X onto the dimension defined by V.


[figure 2.8 in textbook]


3. Orthogonality


Two vectors are orthogonal if they are at right angles of each other. We can express this mathematically as A’B = 0. in other words, if the correlation between them is zero. In other words, if the cos of the angle between them is 0.


[figure 2.9 in textbook]


A matrix V of many column vectors is orthogonal if V’V = I. i.e., if every pair of column vectors V1’V2  = 0. if V is standardize by columns, this means the columns are uncorrelated.


4. Rotation of Axes


Suppose X is a matrix of column vectors. And V is an orthogonal matrix. Say column 1 is .707 .707, a 45 deg ray. What vector is orthogonal to it?  -707 707. test it.


[figure 2.9 again]


Suppose we multiply XV to get Z.


What is Z? first column is projection of the row points of X onto coordinate system defined by col 1 of V. 2nd col is projection of the points onto coord sys defined by col 2 of V. In other words, is a rotation of X to new coordinate system defined by V. is clockwise rotation of points 45 deg. Or counterclockwise rotation of axes by 45 deg.


Called a rigid rotation.  To rotate any specified number of degrees, multiply all points by this:


Cos(theta)        Sin

-Sin                  Cos


Here's some height by weight data:

Height Weight H-hbar W-wbar H* W* HR WR HR* WR*
57 93 -6 -31 -1.86532 -2.06601 -2.77945 -0.14189 -2.03443 -0.38922
58 110 -5 -14 -1.54646 -0.91822 -1.74253 0.444163 -1.27546 1.218429
60 99 -3 -25 -0.90874 -1.66091 -1.81674 -0.53178 -1.32978 -1.45878
59 111 -4 -13 -1.2276 -0.85071 -1.46937 0.266464 -1.07551 0.730966
61 115 -2 -9 -0.58989 -0.58064 -0.82756 0.006536 -0.60574 0.01793
60 122 -3 -2 -0.90874 -0.10803 -0.71886 0.566108 -0.52617 1.552949
62 110 -1 -14 -0.27103 -0.91822 -0.8408 -0.45757 -0.61543 -1.2552
61 116 -2 -8 -0.58989 -0.51313 -0.77983 0.05427 -0.5708 0.148875
62 122 -1 -2 -0.27103 -0.10803 -0.26799 0.115243 -0.19616 0.316135
63 128 0 4 0.047829 0.297073 0.243845 0.176215 0.178484 0.483395
62 134 -1 10 -0.27103 0.702172 0.304818 0.688053 0.223113 1.88747
64 117 1 -7 0.366686 -0.44561 -0.0558 -0.57429 -0.04084 -1.5754
63 123 0 -1 0.047829 -0.04051 0.005174 -0.06246 0.003787 -0.17133
65 129 2 5 0.685544 0.364589 0.742444 -0.22692 0.543437 -0.62247
64 135 1 11 0.366686 0.769688 0.803417 0.284922 0.588066 0.7816
66 128 3 4 1.004402 0.297073 0.920143 -0.50008 0.673504 -1.37183
67 135 4 11 1.32326 0.769688 1.479714 -0.39138 1.083086 -1.07362
66 148 3 24 1.004402 1.647403 1.874826 0.454601 1.37229 1.247065
68 142 5 18 1.642118 1.242304 2.039286 -0.28267 1.492668 -0.77542
69 155 6 31 1.960975 2.120018 2.885263 0.112443 2.111885 0.308455


Plot of the mean-centered data:



Now we rotate by multiplying by


.707    -.707

.707     .707



5. Stretching and Shrinking


We can stretch a picture up and down or left and right by simply multiplying each column of X by some constant > 0. If > 1 then stretch otherwise is shrink. Often expressed by storing the constants in a diagonal matrix D’ and multiplying XD-1.


For example, let D contain the std deviations of each column in X (which is mean centered). Then multiplying X by D-1 would adjust the configuration along each axis to have same length



6. SVD


Suppose we rotate and then stretch a data matrix X, to yield U. i.e. U= XVD-1


Now let’s solve for X.



UDV-1 = UDV’ = X


X  is nxm, U is nxm, D is mxm and V is mxm as is V’.


Let’s write that differently.


Xij = SUMk( UikDkkVjk)


Xij = Ui1*D11*Vj1 + Ui2*D22*Vj2 + …


Suppose we sort columns of U , the rows and columns of D and columns of V so that the singular values are in descending order. Then we can drop off the ones in which Dkk are small. So we can approximate the matrix:


Xij == Ui1*D11*Vj1 + Ui2*D22*Vj2 + …


X  is nxm, U is nxp, D is pxp and V is mxp



7. Generalized inverse


X = UDV’

X-1 = (UDV’)-1

X-1 = (V’)-1D-1U-1

X-1 = VD-1U’


So we can compute the inverse of any matrix via svd. Presto.


8. Principal components






9. Correspondence Analysis


Step 1. normalization of the data. Square root transformation.


Hij = fij/sqrt(fi.)*sqrt(f.j)


Step 2. svd of normalized matrix   H = UDV’


Step 3. rescale the Us and Vs. this part varies.


Xik = Uik/sqrt(f../fi.)

Yjk = Vjk/sqrt(f../f.j)


Fij = fi.f.j/f..(1 + sumk(dk*xik*yjk)


Chisq/n = Sum(dk) for k > 1 (exclude trivial first factor).