Case Remarks
Elizabeth Best
  • What accounts for Elizabeth's success in A?
  • How does the situation in B different from the situation in A?
  • What strategy should she use to meet her deadline in B?
  • How do social ties figure in?
Abelli and Saviotti at Banca Comerciale Italiana.


  • What do the maps at the end of the case tell you about the situation confronting Abelli and Saviotti?
  • Who are the key players in the pro-Unicredito coalition and the pro-Banca Intesa coalition?
  • What are the sources of power and vulnerabilities of the key players?
  • What can Abelli & Saviotti do to improve chances of closing the EuroBanca deal?
  • How would MedioBanca respond?
Jan Carlzon

  • What were the key problems SAS was facing?
  • What did Carlzon do to turn things around?
  • What is leadership?


  • Should NASA have launched or not?
  • What was the rational thing to do? Try calculating relative payoffs of launching vs not launching.
  • How does history affect decisions today?
  • How does network structure affect decision making?