Thanks for participating!
This questionnaire is about your ties to and
perceptions of others in the class. There are 9
questions, divided into two groups. The second group is
somewhat time-consuming -- I appreciate your
patience. Basically, for each set of questions you'll see
the list of questions first, then a table in which you
can enter your responses to each question.
As always, the results will be presented in class
and used to illustrate concepts of social network analysis and
informal organization. This means that the data will NOT
be kept confidential. However, for the more sensitive
questions, I will only present aggregate information. If
there is a question you are uncomfortable answering
(besides Q1), leave it blank.
When you're
done, press the "Submit" button at the bottom. Please
note that before pressing "Submit", you must enter your own
name exactly as it occurs on the list -- that's
crucial! Thanks for your help.
Q0. Your name
(this is crucial):
Q1. Identify. In the grid below, please check of
the names of all class members that you can identify on
sight. In other words, people that you can recognize on
sight and recall their name.
Q2. Acquaintance. Indicate the persons
whom you have met face-to-face and conversed with at least
Q3. Friend. Check-off the names of
those persons that you regard as a friend, and who will
probably put you down as a friend as well.
Q4. Avoid. Who do you prefer to avoid? (this is
for research purposes -- no results will shown in class)
Q5. Team. For each person listed in the
grid below, please tell me which team (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) you
think they are on. You might not know the actual team number,
but you might know who is on the same team with whom, in which
case just make sure to give all the people on the same team
the same number. If you don't know, just guess.
The following three questions are sensitive.
Ratings by respondents will not be revealed, nor
will ratings of class members. Rather, I will
discuss the accuracy of predictions. |
Q6. Exam. Suppose I gave a
comprehensive, cumulative exam covering all material in the
course. How well do you think each person would score?
Give each person a number from 0 to 100 indicating their
performance on the test. Include yourself.
Q7. GPA. For each person in the class -- whether
you know them or not -- please estimate their
grade-point average (GPA) in the MBA program. In other
words, how well do you think they are doing in the
program right now? Grading is on a scale from 0 to 4, in
which 4.00 indicates perfect scores in all courses (all
"A"s), 3.00 is all "B"s, 2.00 is all C's, etc.
Please use two decimal places, as in "3.84" or "2.54".
Please try to guess as shrewdly as you can. Include
your own current GPA if you have one, otherwise guess
what it is.
Q8. Job. Please
rate each person on how well you think they perform in
their current job? Again, do this for each person, and
use everything you know about them to make as good a
guess as possible. Include yourself.