The MB 119 Listserv

What is a Listserv?

A listserv is basically an automatic email forwarding system. You send an email to the listserv, and it automatically forwards your message to everyone who is subscribed to the list.

It will allow us to keep class discussion going outside of class. This is a great way for people who are shy to contribute to the discussion. It also allows more reasoned responses than in class, since you can sit and ponder what you are going to say as long as you like.

I will also use the listserv to communicate changes in assignments or the schedule.



It's easy. First, log onto the computer account that you normally use for email. Make sure you are in your account rather than OCF USER or a friend's account. Second, send an email message to

with no subject (just leave it blank) and the following line in the body of the message:

subscribe mb119

In a few minutes (sometimes hours), you should get an email message back from the listserver confirming your subscription and giving you some basic information about how to use the system. For more information about the BC listserv system, visit their web page.


How to See Who Has Signed Up

To see who has subscribed to the list, send a message to with the following line in the body of the message:

who mb119


How to Send a Message To the Class

To send a message to the class, compose a message like you usually do, fill in the "subject" field, and send the message to:


What to Say and How Often

By the beginning of the 2nd week, you must send a 1-paragraph biography of yourself to the listserv (click here for details). Think of it as introducing yourself to the class. I will then take your bio and post it on the web, along with your photograph.

Besides the bio, you can send any kind of messages on the listserv that you like. It's just a big conversation! However, at least once a week, you should send a message that is somehow relevant to the topic of communication.



At the end of the course, you should unsubscribe from the list. Send a message to

with no subject (just leave it blank) and the following line in the body of the message:

unsubscribe mb119


Copyright ©1996-8 Stephen P. Borgatti Revised: January 18, 2000 Go to Home page