General Qualitative References

by Gery Ryan


Bernard, H. Russell

1994 Research methods in anthropology: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. An excellent review of a wide array of data collection and analysis techniques. The best methods book in anthropology. Clearly written.

1996 Qualitative data, quantitative analysis. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 8(1):9-11. Distinguishes between qualitative & quantitative data and qualitative & quantitative analyses.

Dey, Ian

1993 Qualitative Data Analysis: A user-friendly guide for social scientists. London: Routledge.

The simplest how-to-do-stuff on the market. Gives an even overview of all the different perspectives in qualitative research from grounded theory to building matrices and knowledge maps. Combined with the Miles & Huberman book, you can make a good start on basic analysis.

Glaser, Barney G. and Anselm Strauss.

1967. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. New York: Aldine. The classic citation for grounded theory, but a terrible book to read if you want to understand how to do grounded theory. Read the Strauss & Corbin (1992) book instead.

Krippendorff, Klaus

1980 Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. The most detailed book on context analysis. Includes excellent discussion of intercoder reliability and validity issues.

Lancy, David F.

1993 Qualitative research in education: An introduction to the major traditions. New York: Longman Publishing Group. A good source book for qualitative studies in education. Examines the different questions and methodologies that anthropological, sociological, and biological perspectives bring to education research. Excellent chapters on ethology, case studies, and cognitive studies. Provides helpful guidelines for setting up and doing qualitative research.

Miles, Matthew B. and A. Michael Huberman

1994 Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. A very clear set of introductory chapters do data analysis (pp., 1-47). The best reference book for seeing how to use matrices to analyze and display qualitative data. A must have reference.

Roberts, Carl W.

1997 Text Analysis for the Social Sciences: Methods for Drawing Statistical Inferences from Texts and Transcripts. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. An edited volume that examines the latest developments in content analysis. It has excellent chapters on semantic network analysis, and provides helpful insights on the types of data matrices that can be created from texts and how these matrices can be analyzed.

Tesch, Renata

1990 Qualitative research: Analysis types and software tools. New York: The Falmer Press. A clear description of the fundamental issues in qualitative data analysis: the selection of units, and the nature of categorization processes (pp., 113-146). Despite a bias toward interpretivism, Tesch provides a solid review of the history of qualitative research in the social sciences (pp., 9-112).

Strauss, Anselm and J. Corbin

1990 Basics of Qualitative Research. Grounded theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: Sage. The clearest book on how to do grounded theory.

Spradley, J. P.

1979 The ethnographic interview. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. The classic guide to conducting ethnographic interviews.

1980 Participant observation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. The key guide for understanding participant observation.

Weber, Robert Philip

1990 Basic content analysis. 2nd ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. A simplified and more up-to-date version of Krippendorff's (1980) work on context analysis. Part of Sage's Quantitative Series.

Weller, Susan and A. Kimball Romney

1988 Systematic data collection. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. The most comprehensive book for understanding how to collect and analyze free lists, pile sorts, triads, frame substitution, and other systematic data collection techniques. Part of Sage's Qualitative Research Methods Series.

Weitzman, Eben A. and Matthew B. Miles

1995 Computer programs for qualitative data analysis: A software sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Reviews 23 software programs that help you analyze text. A very good introduction on how to choice software (pp., 9-25). Worth purchasing if you plan on doing a lot of text analysis in your career.

Data Collection & Management


Bernard, H. Russell, Peter Killworth, David Kronenfield and Lee Sailer

1984 The problem of informant accuracy: The validity of retrospective data. Annual Reviews in Anthropology 13:495-517. What people say is not what they do. Beware of using recall data as proxies for actual behavior patterns. A review of the accuracy literature pre-1984.

Bernard, H. Russell, Pertti J. Pelto, et al.

1986 The construction of primary data in cultural anthropology. Current Anthropology 27:382-396. All data is constructed. Reviews different types of data commonly collected by social scientists.

Scrimshaw, N. and G. Gleason

1992 RAP: Rapid Assessment Procedures: Qualitative Methodologies for Planning and Evaluation of Health Related Programs. Boston: International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries (INFDC).

Weller, Susan and A. Kimball Romney

1988 Systematic data collection. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. The most comprehensive book for understanding how to collect and analyze free lists, pile sorts, triads, frame substitution, and other systematic data collection techniques.


Borgatti, Stephen

1989 Using ANTHROPAC to investigate a cultural domain. Cultural Anthropology Methods Newsletter 1(2):11. Simple steps for entering and analyzing freelists using ANTHROPAC.

Smith, J. Jerome

1993 Using ANTHROPAC 3.5 and a spreadsheet to compute a free-list salience index. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 5(3):1-3. Explains how the salience index is created in ANTHROPAC and its uses in research.

Frame Substitution, Pile Sorts, Triads, & Paired Comparisons

Boster, James

1994 The successive pile sort. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 6(2):11-12. Describes how to conduct successive pile sorts. To be used when you want to compare across informants.

Boster, James S., Brent Berlin and John O'Neill

1986 The correspondence of Jivaroan to scientific ornithology. American Anthropologist 88:569-583. Uses pile sort task to collect data on the similarity of bird species.

Burton, Michael and Sara B. Nerlove

1976 Balanced designs for triad tests: two examples from English. Social Science Research 5:247-267. Designs lambda designs for reducing the number of triads in a triads test.

D'Andrade, Roy G. et al.

1972 Categories of disease in American-English and Mexican-Spanish. In Multidimensional scaling: Theory and applications in the behavioral sciences, Vol. 2: Applications, Vol. 2 A. K. Romney, R. N. Shepard and S. Nerlove, eds. Pp. 9-54. New York: Seminar Press. Uses frame substitution techniques to query informants about illness terms.

Verbatim Cases

Werner, Oswald

1996 Short take 18: Notation for transcribing conversations and interviews. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 8(February):11,12. Simple transcription notation for verbatim interviews.

Werner, Oswald et al.

1995 Short take 15: The case for verbatim cases. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 7(1)6-8. The usefulness of short verbatim anecdotes.


Bolton, Ralph

1984 Computers in ethnographic research: Final report. NIE Grant # G-78-0062. Washington, DC.: National Inst. of Education. A barebones account of how to take and manage fieldnotes. A hidden classic.

Johnson, Allen and Orna R. Johnson

1990 Quality into quantity: On the measurement potential of ethnographic fieldnotes. In Fieldnotes: The makings of anthropology R. Sanjek, ed. Pp. 161-186. Ithica, NY: Cornell University Press. A clear account of how to systematically collect and analyze fieldnotes.


Johnson, Jeffrey C.

1990 Selecting ethnographic informants. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. The best book on how to identify key informants when working with small samples. Part of Sage's Qualitative Research Methods Series.

Werner, Oswald and H. Russell Bernard

1994 Short take 13: Ethnographic sampling. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 6(2):7-9. Deals with issues of "typicality" versus "range" of phenomenon.

General text management

Bernard, H. Russell

1991 About text management and computers. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 3(1):1-4, 7, 12. Clear description of different types of text management, including issues associated with indexing, coding, and text retrieval.

Working with Word Processors

Carney, John H., Joseph F. Joiner and Helen Tragou

1997 Categorizing, coding, and manipulating qualitative data using the WordPerfect Word Processor. The Qualitative Report 3:1-8.

Cohen, Alex

1995 Using word-procesing software for analysis of fieldnotes and other research materials. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 7(1):11-12.

Gillespie, Gilbert W., Jr.

1986 Using word processor macros for computer-assisted qualitative analysis. Qualitative Sociology 9:283-292. Early paper advocating the use of word processors to help with simple text analysis.

Harris, Robert

1996 Variation among style checkers in sentence measurement. Text Technology: The Journal of Computer Text Processing 6(2):80-90.

Koester, David and Matthew Thorn

1993 Programming in WordPerfect to aid in text analysis. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 5(2):4,5. Describes a macro for searching and pulling blocks of text associated with multiple words.

Ryan, Gery

1993a Using styles in WordPerfect as templates for your field notes. Cultural Anthropology Methods Newsletter 5(3):8,9. Shows how to use styles in WordPerfect to organize field notes.

1993b Using WordPerfect macros to handle fieldnotes I: Coding. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 5(3):10,11. Outlines simple macros for inserting point codes into text.

Truex, Gregory F.

1993 Tagging and typing: Notes on codes in anthropology. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 5(1):3-5. Describes coding conventions for marking blocks of text. Also reviews how to use DtSearch to retrieve the blocked units.

Analysis - Text

Word Counts

Bernard, H. Russell

1995 Counting words in documents: WORDS 2.0. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 7(3)11-12.

Jehn, Karen Ann and Oswald Werner

1993 Hapax Legomenon II: Theory, a thesaurus, and word frequency. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 5(1):8-10. Suggests developing a list of key words for theme constructs, then using the key words to test specific hypotheses.

Ryan, Gery and Thomas Weisner

1996 Easy ways to analyze words in brief descriptions: How do fathers and mothers describe their adolescent children? In Press, Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 8(3):?? Outlines how to use word counts to compare qualitative text across groups.

Werner, Oswald

1992 Short take 8: Hapax Legomenon: First steps in analyzing your interviews. Cultural Anthropology Methods Newsletter 4(3):6-8. Advocates doing word counts as first step in exploratory analysis.

Johnson, Eric

1995 Counting words and computing word frequency project report: WORDS. TEXT Technology 5:8-17. Describes the program WORDS 2.0 that counts word frequencies in text documents.

Building Cultural Models/Folk Definitions

Garro, Linda Young

1982 The ethnography of health care decisions. Social Science & Medicine 16:1451-1452.

1988 Explaining high blood pressure: Variation in knowledge about illness. American Ethnologist 15(1):98-119.

Werner, Oswald

1993 Short take 11: Constructed folk definitions from interviews. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 5(3):4-7. A step-by-step guide for creating cultural models from interview transcripts and fieldnotes.

Exploratory Analysis with Words

Jehn, Karen A. and Lorna Doucet

1996 Developing categories from interview data: Text analysis and multidimensional scaling. Part I. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 8(2):15-16. Describes a series of steps for exploratory analysis, including word counts, pile sorting tasks, calculating category scores.

1997 Developing categories for interview data: Consequences of different coding and analysis strategies in understanding text. Part 2. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 9(1):1-7.

Snegg, Michael and H. Russell Bernard

1996 Words as actors: A method for doing semantic network analysis. Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 8(2):7-10. The front edge of exploratory text analysis. Looks at the co-occurrence of key words and uses network analysis to establish patterns of word associations.

Analysis - Systematic

Multidimensional Scaling

Albert, Steven M.

1991 Cognition of caregiving tasks: Multidimensional scaling of the caregiver task domain. The Gerontologist 31(6):726-734.

Arbie, Phipps, J. Douglas Carroll and Wayne S. DeSarbo

1987 Three-way scaling and clustering. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Kruskal, Joseph B. and Myron Wish

1978 Multidimensional scaling. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

Cluster Analysis

Aldenderfer, Mark S. and Roger K. Blashfield

1984 Cluster Analysis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Bailey, Kenneth D.

1994 Typologies and taxonomies: An introduction to classification techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Johnson, S. C.

1967 Hierarchical clustering schemes. Psychometrika 32:241-253.

Correspondence Analysis

Moore, Carmella C. and A. Kimball Romney

1994 Material culture, geographic propinquity, and linguistic affiliation on the north coast of New Guinea: a reanalysis of Welsch, Terrell, and Nadolski (1992). American Anthropologist 96:370-391.

Weller, Susan C. and A. Kimball Romney

1990 Metric scaling: correspondence analysis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Consensus Analysis

Romney, A. Kimball, Susan C. Weller and William Batchelder

1986 Culture as consensus: A theory of culture and informant accuracy. American Anthropologist 88:313-339. The key citation for consensus analysis.

Romney, A. Kimball, William H. Batchelder and Susan C. Weller

1987 Recent applications of cultural consensus theory. American Behavioral Scientist 2:163-177.

Weller, Susan C.

1983 New data on intracultural variability: The hot-cold concept of medicine and illness. Human Organizations 42:249-257.

1987 Shared knowledge, intracultural variation and knowledge aggregation. American Behavioral Scientist 31:178-193.

Weller, Susan C. and Claibourne I. Dungy

1986 Personal preferences and ethnic variations among Anglo and Hispanic breast and bottle feeders. Social Science & Medicine 23:539-548.

Weller, Susan C. and N. Clay Mann

1997 Assessing rater performance without a "gold standard" using consensus theory. Medical Decision Making 17:71-79. One of the clearest descriptions of consensus analysis available.

General Reviews of Software Programs

Tesch, Renata

1990 Qualitative research: analysis types and software tools. New York: The Falmer Press. Older review of various text retrievers and text-base programs including The Ethnograph, ETHNO, QUALPRO, and Textbase Alpha (pp. 135-305).

1991 Computers and qualitative data II: Introduction. Qualitative Sociology 14(3):225-243. Good general review of what different programs do.

Weitzman, Eben A. and Matthew B. Miles

1995 Computer programs for qualitative data analysis: A software sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Reviews 23 software programs that help you analyze text. A very good introduction on how to choice software (pp., 9-25). Worth purchasing if you plan on doing a lot of text analysis in your career.

See Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal (CAM) for more recent reviews of text management and analysis software.


Albert, Steven M.

1991 Cognition of caregiving tasks: Multidimensional scaling of the caregiver task domain. The Gerontologist 31(6):726-734. Good example of multidimensional scaling in practice.

Ash, Peter, Arthur L. Kellermann, Dawna Fuqua-Whitley and Amri Johnson

1996 Gun acquisition and use by juvenile offenders. Journal of the American Medical Association 275:22. One way of presenting quotes in an article.

Chavez, Leo R., F. Allan Hubbell, Juliet M. McMullin, Rebecca G. Martinez and Shiraz I. Mishra

1995 Structure and meaning in models of breast and cervical cancer risk factors: A comparison of perceptions among Latinas, Anglo women, and physicians. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 9:40-74. Great example of how to use free lists, rating tasks, and multidimensional scaling to show group similarities and differences.

D'Andrade, Roy G. et al.

1972 Categories of disease in American-English and Mexican-Spanish. In Multidimensional scaling: Theory and applications in the behavioral sciences, Vol. 2: Applications, Vol. 2 A. K. Romney, R. N. Shepard and S. Nerlove, eds. Pp. 9-54. New York: Seminar Press. An early, but very thorough analysis of a profile matrix. Includes cluster analysis as well as multidimensional scaling. Also has a precursor to correspondence analysis.

D'Andrade, Roy

1976 A propositional analysis of the U.S. American beliefs about illness. In Meaning in Anthropology K. Basso and H. A. Selby, eds. Pp. 155-247. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Erickson, Pamela

1997 Contraceptive methods: Do Hispanic adolescents and their family planning care providers think about contraceptive methods the same way? Medical Anthropology 17:65-82. Another good example of multidimensional scaling in practice.

Fabrega, Horacio, Jr. and Peter K. Manning

1979 Illness episodes, illness severity and treatment options in a pluralistic setting. Social Science & Medicine 13B:41-51. A wonderful outline for a data collection instrument that records behavioral sequences over time.

Garro, Linda C.

1988 Explaining high blood pressure: Variation in knowledge about illness. American Ethnologist 15:98-119.

Helitzer-Allen, Deborah L. and Carl Kendall

1992 Explaining differences between qualitative and quantitative data: A study of chemoprophylaxis during pregnancy. Health Education Quarterly 19(1)Spring:41-54.

Nichter, Mark and Mimi Nichter

1994 Acute respiratory illness: Popular health culture and mother's knowledge in the Philippines. Medical Anthropology 15:353-376.

Weller, Susan C.

1984 Cross-cultural concept of illness: Variation and validation. American Anthropologist 86:341-351.

Yoder, P. Stanley

1995 Examining ethnomedical diagnoses and treatment choices for diarrheal disorders in Lubumbashi Swahili. Medical Anthropology 16:211-248. A way of presenting explanatory models.

Intercoder Reliability

Cohen, Jacob

1960 A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Education and psychological measurement 20:37-48. Cohen's alpha (kappa). Classic formula.

Cohen, Jacob.

1968 Weighted Kappa: Nominal scale agreement with provision for scaled disagreement or partial credit. Psychological Bulletin 70(4):213-220. Allows for some intercoder disagreements.

Krippendorff, Klaus

1980 Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. The most detailed book on intercoder reliability (pp. 129-154) and validity issues (pp. 155-168).

Mitchell, Sandra K.

1979 Interobserver agreement, reliability, and generizability of data collected in observational studies. Psychological Bulletin 86:376-390. Fantastic overview of reliability measures. Notes that reliability in qualitative data analysis is really about validity.

Tinsley, Howard E. and David J. Weiss

1975 Interrater reliability and agreement of subjective judgments. Journal of Counseling Psychology 22:358-376. Detailed overview of all types of interrater measurements.

Yelton, Ann R., Beth G. Wildman and Marilyn T. Erickson

1977 A probability-based formula for calculating interobserver agreement. Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis 10:127-131. Simple explanations for calculating intercoder reliability. Comes with nice examples.